Leaves appearing after the flowers and the fruit, 5–11(13)-foliolate; petiole and rhachis 8–33 cm. long, dorsally convex, canaliculate above, at first densely pinkish-rusty-tomentose, glabrescent with age; leaflets 6·3–15·5 × 4·2–7·5 cm., elliptic, oblong-ovate to ovate, the basal ones somewhat shorter and proportionately broader, acute or obtuse at the apex, the terminal one symmetric, acute and up to 3·5 cm. long petiolulate, the lateral ones asymmetric, rounded, truncate or subcordate at the base and sessile or 1·5–3 mm. long petiolulate, all at first densely pink-rusty-tomentose on both surfaces, then discolorous on drying (almost black and with ± sparse stellate hairs above, persistently rusty-tomentose below), finally reddish-brown or dull brown and glabrous above and laxly tomentose and rusty-ochraceous beneath; midrib a little prominent above, rather so beneath, lateral nerves and reticulation sunk in the upper face, raised on the under surface, concealed by a tomentum as dense as that of the lamina.
A small tree. It grows 8 m tall. The bark is dark and cracked into squares. The trunk is 45 cm across. The young leaves have a dense hairy brown covering, especially underneath. The leaves have 3-4 pairs of leaflets. The flowers are yellow and in narrow spike like groups. The fruit are about 1 cm across.
Flowers in dense bundles; pedicels 1–3 mm. long, tomentose; calyx-segments c. 1·5 mm. long, ovate to subcircular, ciliolate, covered by stellate hairs or almost glabrous; petals greenish to bright yellow, 3·5–5 × 1·5–2·5 mm., oblong-ovate, fragrant.
Panicles spike-like, crowded at the top of short branches, the male ones up to 22 cm. long, the female ones up to 8 cm. long, with tomentose axis.
Tree usually 5–10(15) m. tall, with spreading crown and short bole; bark grey to nearly black, rather rough; floriferous branches very rugose.
Flowers yellowish, usually produced before the leaves
Young parts with pinkish or reddish indumentum
Drupe red, 7–10 × 4–6 mm., obliquely ovoid.
A savannah tree, 6–25 ft. high
Dark grey or black rough bark