Lasianthus Jack

Lasianthus (en)


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Rubiaceae


Erect subshrubs, shrubs, or rarely small trees, unarmed, with tissues sometimes fetid. Branches and branchlets terete, sometimes compressed, rarely fistulous; lenticels inconspicuous or conspicuous. Raphides present. Leaves opposite, distichous, usually thinly leathery or papery, base acute to rounded or cordate, apex acuminate, acute or cuspidate; midrib plane, depressed or slightly prominent adaxially, usually prominent abaxially; veins generally prominent abaxially, ascending at an angle of more than 45°, curved to margin or joining nerves above at margin; tertiary nervules parallel or reticulate; stipules caducous or usually persistent at least near stem apex, interpetiolar, well developed or reduced, triangular, lanceolate, ovate, or oblong, acute or obtuse. Inflorescence axillary, several flowered and glomerulate, capitate, cymose, or with flowers solitary, sessile or pedunculate, ebracteate or bracteate with bracts persistent or not, well developed, sometimes fused. Flowers bisexual, small, sessile or pedicellate. Calyx with hypanthium portion obovoid, ovoid, or campanulate; limb 3-6-dentate or lobed or rarely truncate. Corolla white, funnelform or salverform to urceolate (Lasianthus biflorus), from several millimeters long up to 2.5 cm, glabrous or hairy outside, inside glabrous or usually villous in throat; lobes 4-6, valvate or imbricate in bud. Stamens 4-6, inserted in corolla throat; filaments short; anthers linear or oblong, dorsifixed, included or exserted. Style linear; stigma lobes 3-9, linear or lanceolate, included or exserted. Ovary 3-9-celled, ovules 1 in each cell, basal, erect. Fruit blue or rarely white, black, or red, drupaceous, small, pulpy or fleshy, usually globose, smooth or warty, rounded or ridged, with calyx limb persistent; pyrenes 3-9 (sometimes fewer than that developing), thick walled, smooth, warty or sulcate on abaxial face, usually triangular in transverse section, with preformed germination slits; seed black, with abundant endosperm; embryo straight; cotyledon short, flattened; radicle long clavate.
Shrubs or rarely small trees, sometimes foetid (usually not in the Flora area), glabrous to hairy or strigose. Leaves opposite, mostly acuminate, thin to coriaceous, petiolate, usually with numerous arching lateral nerves and close venation; stipules interpetiolar, usually broadly triangular or lanceolate, not divided, persistent or deciduous. Flowers hermaphrodite or sometimes unisexual, sometimes heterostylous, mostly small, mostly in sessile axillary fascicles or glomerules or less often in pedunculate, simple or branched inflorescences; pedicels mostly absent; bracts present, usually small. Calyx-tube subglobose, ovoid, oblong or urceolate; limb 3–6-toothed or lobed, persistent. Corolla often white or pink, salver-shaped or somewhat funnel-shaped; tube densely hairy at the throat; lobes 4–6, spreading or ± erect. Stamens 4–6, inserted in the throat of the corolla; filaments very short; anthers ± dorsifixed near their base, included or shortly exserted. Disc swollen and fleshy. Ovary 4–12-locular; ovules solitary in each locule, erect from the base, bent, anatropous; style short or elongate, glabrous or hairy, shortly 4–10-lobed at the apex, the lobes linear or obtuse. Fruits ± succulent, very often blue but sometimes pink, purple, white or black, with 4–12 pyrenes; pyrenes cartilaginous or bony, segment-shaped or pyriform, ± 3-angled with flat sides, the dorsal curved face often grooved, keeled or winged, 1-seeded. Seeds narrowly oblong, curved, with membranous testa and fleshy albumen.
Flowers hermaphrodite or sometimes unisexual, sometimes heterostylous, mostly small, mostly in sessile axillary fascicles or glomerules or less often in pedunculate, simple or branched inflorescences; pedicels mostly absent; bracts present, usually small.
Fruits ± succulent, very often blue but sometimes pink, purple, white or black, with 4–12 pyrenes; pyrenes cartilaginous or bony, segment-shaped or pyriform, ± 3-angled with flat sides, the dorsal curved face often grooved, keeled or winged, 1-seeded.
Leaves opposite, mostly acuminate, thin to coriaceous, petiolate, usually with numerous arching lateral nerves and close venation; stipules interpetiolar, usually broadly triangular or lanceolate, not divided, persistent or deciduous.
Ovary 4–12-locular; ovules solitary in each locule, erect from the base, bent, anatropous; style short or elongate, glabrous or hairy, shortly 4–10-lobed at the apex, the lobes linear or obtuse.
Stamens 4–6, inserted in the throat of the corolla; filaments very short; anthers ± dorsifixed near their base, included or shortly exserted.
Corolla often white or pink, salver-shaped or somewhat funnel-shaped; tube densely hairy at the throat; lobes 4–6, spreading or ± erect.
Shrubs or rarely small trees, sometimes foetid (usually not in Africa), glabrous to hairy or strigose.
Calyx tube subglobose, ovoid, oblong or urceolate; limb 3–6-toothed or lobed, persistent.
Seeds narrowly oblong, curved, with membranous testa and fleshy albumen.
Disk swollen and fleshy.
Life form -
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Lasianthus unspecified picture


Lasianthus world distribution map, present in Andorra, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Central African Republic, China, Congo, Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, Indonesia, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Liberia, Moldova (Republic of), Myanmar, Mozambique, Nigeria, Nepal, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Rwanda, Solomon Islands, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Viet Nam, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-4000020643
INPN ID 839025
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Mephitidia Octavia Lasianthus

Lower taxons

Lasianthus saxorum Lasianthus acutatus Lasianthus angustifolius Lasianthus appressus Lasianthus bahorucanus Lasianthus biflorus Lasianthus blumeanus Lasianthus borneensis Lasianthus bractescens Lasianthus cambodianus Lasianthus capitulatus Lasianthus chinensis Lasianthus chryseus Lasianthus chrysophyllus Lasianthus chrysotrichus Lasianthus eberhardtii Lasianthus ellipticus Lasianthus euneurus Lasianthus ferrugineus Lasianthus filiformis Lasianthus furcatus Lasianthus gardneri Lasianthus henryi Lasianthus hookeri Lasianthus inodorus Lasianthus iteophyllus Lasianthus lancifolius Lasianthus laxiflorus Lasianthus longifolius Lasianthus neolanceolatus Lasianthus oliganthus Lasianthus panamensis Lasianthus parviflorus Lasianthus parvifolius Lasianthus perakensis Lasianthus purpureus Lasianthus rabilii Lasianthus repoeuensis Lasianthus reticulatus Lasianthus retosus Lasianthus ridleyi Lasianthus rigidus Lasianthus sarmentosus Lasianthus scabridus Lasianthus scalariformis Lasianthus schmidtii Lasianthus seseensis Lasianthus sessilis Lasianthus sikkimensis Lasianthus sterrophyllus Lasianthus stipularis Lasianthus strigillosus Lasianthus strigosus Lasianthus subaureus Lasianthus subcalvus Lasianthus submembranifolius Lasianthus subsessilis Lasianthus sylvestroides Lasianthus tomentosus Lasianthus urophylloides Lasianthus venulosus Lasianthus verrucosus Lasianthus obscurus Lasianthus pauciflorus Lasianthus platyphyllus Lasianthus rhinocerotis Lasianthus rufus Lasianthus obovatus Lasianthus simizui Lasianthus glaber Lasianthus biermannii Lasianthus mucronulatus Lasianthus griffithii Lasianthus burmanicus Lasianthus caeruleus Lasianthus calycinus Lasianthus chunii Lasianthus ciliatus Lasianthus cinereus Lasianthus constrictus Lasianthus curtisii Lasianthus cyanocarpus Lasianthus dalatensis Lasianthus dichotomus Lasianthus filipes Lasianthus flavinervius Lasianthus foetidissimus Lasianthus foetulentus Lasianthus fordii Lasianthus formosensis Lasianthus foxworthyanus Lasianthus harmandianus Lasianthus harveyanus Lasianthus hirsutus Lasianthus hispidulus Lasianthus jackianus Lasianthus japonicus Lasianthus kilimandscharicus Lasianthus laevigatus Lasianthus lanceolatus Lasianthus lucidus Lasianthus macrocalyx Lasianthus maingayi Lasianthus malaccensis Lasianthus malaiensis Lasianthus membranaceus Lasianthus micranthus Lasianthus microcalyx Lasianthus microphyllus Lasianthus mollis Lasianthus montanus Lasianthus moonii Lasianthus myrtifolius Lasianthus nervosus Lasianthus obliquinervis Lasianthus obliquus Lasianthus oblongatus Lasianthus oblongifolius Lasianthus oblongus Lasianthus pedunculatus Lasianthus pergamaceus Lasianthus pilosus Lasianthus politus Lasianthus rostratus Lasianthus rotundatus Lasianthus saprosmoides Lasianthus sogerensis Lasianthus stercorarius Lasianthus tetragonus Lasianthus thwaitesii Lasianthus trichophlebus Lasianthus umbellata Lasianthus varians Lasianthus venosus Lasianthus verticillatus Lasianthus vulcanicus Lasianthus walkerianus Lasianthus wallacei Lasianthus wardii Lasianthus wightianus Lasianthus ellipsoideus Lasianthus flavihirtus Lasianthus loeiensis Lasianthus longissimus Lasianthus oblongilobus Lasianthus roosianus Lasianthus chevalieri Lasianthus clementis Lasianthus coronatus Lasianthus crinitus Lasianthus chartaceus Lasianthus chlorocarpus Lasianthus coffeoides Lasianthus congesticymus Lasianthus conspicuus Lasianthus cordatus Lasianthus cyanocarpoides Lasianthus annamicus Lasianthus cereiflorus Lasianthus chrysocaulis Lasianthus acuminatissimus Lasianthus acuminatus Lasianthus africanus Lasianthus attenuatus Lasianthus austrosinensis Lasianthus austroyunnanensis Lasianthus batangensis Lasianthus repens Lasianthus laxinervis Lasianthus chowdheryi Lasianthus tentaculus Lasianthus laxifloroideus Lasianthus longibracteatus Lasianthus megaphyllus Lasianthus phymatodeus Lasianthus pseudolongifolius Lasianthus ridsdalei Lasianthus sabahensis Lasianthus solomonensis Lasianthus subglobosus Lasianthus leocarpus Lasianthus jangarunii Lasianthus bokorensis Lasianthus giganteus Lasianthus stephanocalycinus Lasianthus viridiramulis Lasianthus honbaensis Lasianthus halconensis Lasianthus idukkianus Lasianthus atroneurus Lasianthus baasianus Lasianthus bifloroideus Lasianthus brevipedicellatus Lasianthus brevipedunculatus Lasianthus brochidodromus Lasianthus cailinianus Lasianthus depressineurus Lasianthus dinghouanus Lasianthus eriocalyx Lasianthus fasciculus Lasianthus filipedunculatus Lasianthus floresensis Lasianthus furcatoides Lasianthus hirsutisepalus Lasianthus hirtimarginatus Lasianthus iteoides Lasianthus sumatraensis Lasianthus undulatus Lasianthus hexandrus Lasianthus lucidus Lasianthus membranaceoideus Lasianthus minutiflorus Lasianthus obovatibracteatus Lasianthus palawanensis Lasianthus hirtus Lasianthus vriesianus Lasianthus robinsonii Lasianthus helferi Lasianthus palembanicus Lasianthus glomeruliflorus Lasianthus apiocarpus Lasianthus aristatus Lasianthus bicolor Lasianthus bracteolatus Lasianthus kinabaluensis Lasianthus larsenii Lasianthus latifolius Lasianthus lecomtei Lasianthus ledermannii Lasianthus linearisepalus Lasianthus lineolatus Lasianthus longipedunculatus Lasianthus maculatus Lasianthus papuanus Lasianthus pendulus Lasianthus penicillatus Lasianthus pierrei Lasianthus pseudostipularis Lasianthus puberulus Lasianthus elevatineurus Lasianthus capitatus Lasianthus chrysoneurus Lasianthus barbiger Lasianthus marginatus Lasianthus meeboldii Lasianthus oligoneurus Lasianthus ovatus Lasianthus rhinophyllus