Trees. Stipules intrapetiolar, persistent. Leaves spiral, paripinnate, (1-or) 2-5-(or 6-)jugate; stipels very small. Leaflets opposite or subopposite, often with a small, swelling gland on the margin close to the base, petiolulate. Inflorescences racemose, fascicled, on trunks or old branches, or in axils of fallen leaves; bracts and bracteoles small, persistent beyond anthesis or deciduous. Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic, pedicels articulated above the two bracteoles. Hypanthium infundibuliform, tubular, or cylindric. Calyx lobes 4, imbricate. Petals 2 (or 1) developed, lateral, much shorter or smaller than the calyx lobes, with or without reduced or rudimentary ones. Stamens 2 fertile, opposite the petals; filaments filiform, dilated at basal parts; anthers ovoid or oblong, longitudinally dehiscing; staminodes 2 or 3. Ovary with the stipe free from or adnate to the floral tube, oblong or elliptic, 2-5-(or more-)ovuled; style filiform; stigma capitel-late. Pods recurvate, oblong, compressed, smooth, shortly beaked, dehiscent, the valves coriaceous or woody, at length twisted, 3-5-seeded. Seeds discoid or ellipsoid.