Tree up to 45 m by 70 cm ø. Buttresses up to 80 cm high, extending 8 m over the ground, sometimes with knee-roots. Leaves coriaceous, ovate to ovate-oblong, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, 10.5-18 by 4.5-8 cm; base obtuse or rounded, sometimes cuneate; apex acuminate; nerves 10-15 pairs; petiole (1-)1.75-3 cm. Panicles up to 12 cm long, sometimes scurfy on the young parts. Peduncle up to 6 cm long. Pedicels 3½-4 mm. Flowers light or yellowish green, rarely white, c. 1 mm ø. Calyx triangular, 0.75 by 1.5 mm, acute, short-ciliate. Petals broad-ovate, 2½-3 by 1.75-2 mm, acuminate, appendage with broad base inserted at the lower 1/3, lobes rather small, the inner two or three always with 2 grooves on the dorsal side. Disk fleshy, flat, c. 3 mm ø, obscurely 5-angular, densely covered with minute papillae. Stamens inserted between the ovary and the disk margin; filaments c. 1.75 mm; anthers broad-ellipsoid or-ovoid, 1 by ⅔ mm. Pistil emerging c. 1.25 mm from the disk. Fruits 7-8½ cm long; pericarp leathery, hard, furfuraceous outside. Seeds (including the wing) c. 5 by 1.25 cm.
In lowland forests, usually occurring in peat swamps (on shallow peat) and inundated forest, rarely found at higher altitude (Mt Kinabalu at 1350-1500 m).