Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets 8–20 × 2–5 mm, oblanceolate to narrowly elliptic-oblanceolate, ± bluntly pointed, densely silky strigose on both surfaces with mostly longish straight slender silvery hairs; petiole shorter to longer than leaflets, longer on young and ascending shoots; stipules single at a node, 2–6 mm long, narrowly linear-elliptic.
Standard yellow, ± as long as the calyx, ovate-trullate above a well developed basally dilated claw, pubescent along the midvein outside; wings a little shorter than the keel; keel 4–5 mm long, falcate into a distinct tapering beak, glabrous.
Stems numerous from a slender branched perennial rootstock, prostrate to weakly ascending, up to 10–35 cm long, densely strigose-pubescent with slightly biramous hairs, the shorter ones closely appressed, the longer ones slightly spreading.
Flowers mostly 3–7 in nearly sessile leaf-opposed clusters; bracts 3–4 mm long, linear, exceeding the negligible pedicel; bracteoles absent.
Calyx 4–5.5 mm long, densely hairy; upper and lateral lobes joined to ± the same level, c. 2.5–3.5 mm long, triangular-subulate.
Pods 3–4 × 2–2.5 mm, almost half-elliptic to shortly oblong-ellipsoid, pubescent, 1–2-seeded.
Seeds 1.5 mm long, oblique-cordiform, minutely roughened, brown or mottled.