Lotononis (Dc.) Eckl. & Zeyh.

Lotononis (en)


Angiosperms > Fabales > Fabaceae


Annual or perennial herbs. Leaves usually digitately 3-foliolate, with the lateral leaflets often much smaller than the terminal, rarely 1-foliolate. Stipules minute or foliaceous, solitary or in pairs. Inflorescence terminal, but often leaf-opposed and appearing axillary, subsessile or pedunculate, racemose or subumbellate, 1–many-flowered; bracts and bracteoles inconspicuous. Calyx-tube rarely membranous; lobes 5, the upper 4 united higher up than the lower lobe, which is often narrower. Standard usually ovate or obovate, with a relatively short linear-oblong claw; wings sometimes much shorter than the keel; keel rounded at the apex. Stamens all joined into a tube split along the upper side, 4 with long and 6 with short anthers. Ovary sessile, with numerous ovules; style curved upwards; stigma small, capitate. Pod oblong, acute or obtuse, slightly inflated. Seeds usually numerous.
Herbs [or shrublets], annual or perennial. Stipules distinct. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate, usually petiolate. Inflorescences leaf-opposed, umbellate [or racemose], long pedunculate. Calyx cuplike, most abaxial tooth narrowly triangular and longest but other 4 teeth ± joined in pairs. Corolla standard ovate or obovate, glabrous, claw short; wings sometimes much shorter than standard; keel rounded at apex. Stamens 10, connate into a dorsally split sheath; anthers dimorphic, 4 longer and basifixed, 6 shorter and dorsifixed. Ovary sessile; ovules many; style incurved; stigma terminal. Legume subsessile, slightly inflated, usually many seeded. Seeds with­out an aril; funicle threadlike.
Standard predominantly yellow, or elsewhere sometimes white, pink or blue, hairy or glabrous outside; wings shorter or longer than the keel, often hairy, generally sculptured; keel with apex rounded, pointed or somewhat beaked, often hairy.
Leaves in Flora Zambesiaca area digitately 3-foliolate or lower ones occasionally 1-foliolate, elsewhere sometimes all 1-foliolate or up to 8-foliolate; stipules small or foliaceous, usually single at each node.
Inflorescences terminal or leaf-opposed, the flowers in racemes, heads, clusters or single; bract small to foliaceous, sometimes inserted on the pedicel; bracteoles small or more often lacking.
Stamens in a sheath open on the upper side; anthers markedly dimorphic, 4 oblong to linear and basifixed, 5 ovate and dorsifixed, the carinal one intermediate.
Calyx usually with lateral and upper lobes joined higher on either side, sometimes (sect. Oxydium) with 5 subequal lobes.
Pods linear, oblong or ovate, flat or turgid, rarely folded and twisted, usually dehiscent, few–many-seeded.
Seeds rounded to generally oblique-cordiform, smooth to finely tuberculate.
Ovary sessile to stipitate; style tapered, with a small stigma.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer rhizobia
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Lotononis unspecified picture
Lotononis unspecified picture


Lotononis world distribution map, present in China and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:1196773-2
WFO ID wfo-4000022299
BDTFX ID 86735
INPN ID 606934
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Leptidium Leptis Lipozygis Colobotus Buchenroedera Amphinomia Lotononis Telina Polylobium

Lower taxons

Lotononis gracilifolia Lotononis lamprifolia Lotononis racemiflora Lotononis azurea Lotononis meyeri Lotononis trichodes Lotononis acuminata Lotononis argentea Lotononis brachyantha Lotononis exstipulata Lotononis falcata Lotononis lenticula Lotononis leptoloba Lotononis macrosepala Lotononis maculata Lotononis maximiliani Lotononis pottiae Lotononis serpentinicola Lotononis strigillosa Lotononis schreiberae Lotononis brevicaulis Lotononis comptonii Lotononis dahlgrenii Lotononis dissitinodis Lotononis acocksii Lotononis nutans Lotononis caerulescens Lotononis fruticoides Lotononis involucrata Lotononis parviflora Lotononis pulchella Lotononis lotononoides Lotononis burchellii Lotononis dichiloides Lotononis divaricata Lotononis monophylla Lotononis perplexa Lotononis prostrata Lotononis pumila Lotononis pungens Lotononis rabenaviana Lotononis sericophylla Lotononis umbellata Lotononis varia Lotononis viborgioides Lotononis villosa Lotononis oxyptera Lotononis arenicola Lotononis bachmanniana Lotononis pallens Lotononis elongata Lotononis azureoides Lotononis macroloba Lotononis myriantha Lotononis calycina Lotononis carnosa Lotononis curtii Lotononis listioides Lotononis macra Lotononis genistoides Lotononis delicata Lotononis purpurescens Lotononis listii Lotononis argyrella Lotononis erisemoides Lotononis evansiana Lotononis wilmsii Lotononis acutiflora Lotononis micrantha Lotononis galpinii Lotononis maculata Lotononis minor Lotononis wilmsii Lotononis involucrata Lotononis rostrata Lotononis villosa Lotononis bachmanniana Lotononis newtoni Lotononis esterhuyseana Lotononis eriocarpa Lotononis glabrescens Lotononis harveyi Lotononis holosericea Lotononis jacottetii Lotononis prolifera Lotononis viminea Lotononis virgata Lotononis glabra Lotononis linearifolia Lotononis pachycarpa Lotononis schreiberi Lotononis venosa Lotononis alpina Lotononis amajubica Lotononis anthyllopsis Lotononis micrantha Lotononis stenophylla Lotononis carnea Lotononis sparsiflora Lotononis fastigiata Lotononis complanata Lotononis densa Lotononis sabulosa Lotononis filiformis Lotononis stricta Lotononis galpinii Lotononis curvicarpa Lotononis laxa Lotononis crumaniana Lotononis pallidirosea Lotononis pseudodelicata Lotononis tenella Lotononis tenuis Lotononis wylei Lotononis rigida Lotononis schwansiana