Small prostrate annual up to 0.2 m wide. Branches densely leafy; twigs sparsely pilose with long spreading hairs. Leaves digitately trifoliolate, very variable in size, sparsely pilose with long spreading hairs; petioles slightly winged, as long as the terminal leaflet or longer, (2-)3-7(-16) mm long; leaflets narrowly oblong to linear, (2-)5-12(-14) x (0.5-)1-2(-2.5) mm, abaxially sparsely pilose, adaxially glabrescent. Stipules large, consistently present, single at each node or rarely paired at some nodes, oblong to narrowly oblong and often slightly falcate, similar to the leaflets or much larger, (2-)6-12(-14) x (0.5-)1.5-2.5(-3.5) mm. Inflorescences subterminal and leaf-opposed towards the branch ends, invariably single-flowered; peduncle usually ± as long as the calyx, (3-)6-8(-12) mm long; bracts relatively large, narrowly linear, 5-8 mm long; bracteoles absent. Flowers large, 16-20 mm long, pale yellow with grey venation; pedicel short, ±2 mm long. Calyx almost as long as the corolla, equally lobed, sparsely pilose; lobes very long and slender. Standard very large, broadly ovate; claw 4-5 mm long, very slightly dilated at the base, dilated part up to 1.8 mm wide; lamina acute, cordate at the base, 13-15 x 13-16 mm, glabrous but with a line of hairs dorsally along the middle. Wing petals oblong, much longer than the keel, glabrous, apex obliquely truncate; sculpturing in 4-5 rows of thin transcostal lunae and lamellae. Keel petals small, semi-circular, acute but not beaked, auriculate and pocketed near the base, glabrous. Anthers dimorphic, basifixed anthers 2x longer than the dorsifixed anthers, carinal anther similar to dorsifixed anthers. Pistil 11-13 mm long; ovary oblong, ±6 mm long, densely pubescent; style sharply curved. Immature pods oblong, slightly turgid, longer than the calyx, up to 18 x 5 mm, ±30-seeded, upper suture distinctly verrucose, sparsely pilose; funicles up to 2 mm long. Seed unknown.
Small, densely leafy, prostrate annual, up to 0.2 m across. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets narrowly oblong to linear, sparsely hairy. Flower 1, on a slender peduncle, pale yellow with grey-green veins, fading blue, calyx of equally long, slender lobes, keel short. Pod oblong, upper suture warty.
Like L. leptoloba but leaflets linear-elliptic, softly hairy, stipules solitary. Flowers solitary on slender peduncles, yellow, fading blue.