Very small annual up to 0.1 m high and 0.25 m wide. Branches procumbent, slender, sparsely leafy. All mature parts (except the corolla) densely but minutely strigillose. Leaves trifoliolate, slender, (12-)18-28(-42) mm long; petiole usually very much longer than the terminal leaflet; leaflets very narrowly oblanceolate or usually linear, (4-)6-14(-18) x (0.5-)1.1.2(-2) mm, densely but minutely strigillose on both surfaces. Stipules single at each node, inconspicuous, linear, up to 1 mm long. Inflorescences leaf-opposed, invariably single-flowered; peduncle ± absent, up to 0.5 mm long; bracts very small, linear, up to 1 mm long; bracteoles absent. Flowers small, 4.5-7 mm long, yellow; pedicel long and slender, as long or much longer than the calyx, up to 8 mm long. Calyx subequally lobed but with the lower lobe a little narrower than the upper four and the lateral sinuses slightly shallower than the upper and lower ones; lobes triangular, acute. Standard broadly panduriform, as long as the keel; claw short, slightly dilated at the base, ±1.5 x ±1 mm, with a central callosity; lamina ±4.5 x ±3 mm, without lobes or callosities, glabrous but with a few hairs dorsally along the middle. Wing petals oblong, slightly shorter than the keel; apex rounded; sculpturing in ±3 rows of intercostal lunae fading into a few transcostal lamellae towards the auricle. Keel petals shortly oblong, auriculate, glabrous; apex acute but not beaked. Androecium with the anthers markedly dimorphic; basifixed anthers oblong, more than 3x longer than the small ovoid dorsifixed anthers; carinal anther slightly larger than the dorsifixed anthers. Gynoecium subsessile; pistil oblong, pubescent; style curved upwards. Pods subsessile, oblong to linear, (8-)10-14 x 2.5-3 mm, not inflated laterally, minutely strigillose, apex obtuse, upper suture distinctly and evenly verrucose, 10-15-seeded, the seeds on up to 1.5 mm long funicles. Seeds suborbicular, ±1.2 mm in diameter; testa brown, densely but minutely tuberculate.