Dwarf suffrutescent perennial up to 0.15 m tall. Branches procumbent from a central rootstock; sparsely branched and sparsely leafy; young twigs densely silky-sericeous. Leaves digitately trifoliolate, very slender, densely silky-sericeous; petiole up to 22 mm long; leaflets acicular, variable in length, (2-)7-15(-25) mm long, slightly conduplicate, almost terete. Stipules inconspicuous, caducous, rarely present, up to 0.5 mm long when present. Inflorescences subterminal or leaf-opposed on short lateral branches, 1-flowered, rarely 2-flowered; peduncle slender, variable in length, (3-)20-50(-60) mm long; bract small, oblong, up to 2 mm long; bracteoles absent. Flowers large, up to 18 mm long, yellow; pedicel 2-4 mm long. Calyx 10-13 mm long; lobes long, subulate, with the lateral ones on either side fused higher up in pairs, densely sericeous. Standard very large, broadly ovate to orbicular, 18-20 mm long, with hairs dorsally along the middle. Wing petals as long or slightly longer than the keel, oblanceolate, ± 15 mm long; apex obliquely obtuse; sculpturing upper basal, in 3-4 rows of mostly intercostal lunae. Keel petals semi-circular, obtuse, auriculate and pocketed near base. Anthers dimorphic. Pistil long; ovary linear, ± 10 mm long. Fruit and seed unknown.