Erect shrub; brchs. virga thinly clothed with short apprcssed hairs: lvs. fascicled or not; petiole 1 cm l., margined, sparsely strigose to glabresc. with a tuft of short hairs the apex; terminal lft. 10-13 mm l., ± 1 mm br., glab. or subglab. (when young strigose) linear to linear-lanc. fleshy: infloresc. a terminal few-(+/-4-) fld. raceme; fls. 1 cm l.; pedicels 3 mm l., pubesc. with white hairs: cal. thinly pubesc. with short white hairs; cal.-tube +/-4 mm l.; teeth 1-1.5 mm l., deltoid: cor. glab.; standard shorter than the keel, orbicular +/-8 x 7 mm ov. glab. except for a short line of appressed hairs on the inner margin nr its apex: keel obtuse with a greenish blotch at the apex: pod 2-5 x 0-5 cm, pilose with deciduous hairs along the sutures.