Rhizome long creeping, ca. 2 mm in diam., rather densely scaly; scales brown or reddish brown, ovate-lanceolate, margin entire, apex acuminate. Fronds distant, subdimorphic or obviously dimorphic, 15-35 cm; stipe greenish yellow to paler, 2-5(-10) cm, or frond subsessile; lamina narrowly oblanceolate to linear, 15-20(-32) × 1-1.5(-3) cm, relatively thinly textured, fleshy, base decurrent to form wings along upper part of stipe, apex acuminate; costa raised abaxially, flat adaxially; veins hidden, areoles without or with few included veinlets. Sori on upper portion of fronds, up to 10 or more pairs, 1-3 cm, very oblique to subparallel to costa, medial between costa and frond margin, slightly sunken into lamina, paraphyses absent. Spores ellipsoid-monolete.