Leaves 1-foliolate; leaflet 3–15.2 × 0.8–4 cm, oblong-elliptic to narrowly lanceolate, acute or rounded and apiculate at the apex, rounded at the base, glabrous on both surfaces apart from occasional hairs along the midvein; petiole 5–30 mm long; petiolules 2–3 mm long; stipules 5–22 × 3–4 mm, lanceolate, striate; stipels 2–4 mm long, filiform.
An erect herb. It grows 60 cm tall. It has a tuberous rootstock. It puts up stems each year and these are slightly hairy. The leaves have one leaflet 3-15 cm long by 1-4 cm wide. There are 4-8 flowers in a group in the axils of leaves. The flower standard is creamy green with a purple blotch. The pods are 5-6 cm long by 5-6 mm wide.
Standard off-white to creamy-green with a purple blotch at the base, 2.2–2.8 × 1.2–1.8 cm, oblong-elliptic, emarginate at the apex, with linear appendages 6–8 mm long; wings narrow, 1.8–2 cm long; keel 1–1.9 cm long.
Pod 5.4–5.8 cm × 5–6 mm, narrowly oblong, compressed, with a beak up to 6 mm long, sparsely appressed pilose on the face of the valves but more spreading pilose along the margins.
Calyx tube 4–5 mm long, glabrous or sparsely pubescent; lobes 5–14 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, pubescent, the upper two fused along nearly all their length.
Flowers axillary, in 4–8-flowered compact fascicles; pedicels 1–2 mm long; bracts 6–12 × 2–3 mm, lanceolate; bracteoles 6 × 1 mm, linear-lanceolate.
Erect herb up to 60 cm tall, arising from a perennial woody tuberous rootstock.
Stems annual, sparsely spreading pubescent.
Ovary 6–7 mm long, densely sericeous.
Seeds not known.