Inflorescence racemose, terminal or axillary, up to 20 cm. long; pedicels 5–6 mm. long; bracts up to 6 mm. long, subulate or the lower ones like the leaves but smaller.
Ovary on a gynophore 1–1.2 cm. long and slightly sulcate below, oblong-ovoid; ovules 26–30 on 2 placentas; stigma sessile, capitate.
Small shrub up to 2 m. tall, glabrous except for the sepal-margins; branches brownish, smooth, erect or sometimes sarmentose.
Receptacle 4.5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide at the mouth, cylindric, widening slightly at the mouth, with c. 12 longitudinal ribs.
Sepals c. 8.5 x 3.5 mm., narrowly oblong-ovate, apex acute, mucronate, margin shortly lanate.
Seeds 7–10, c. 6.5 mm. in diam., subglobose, pale brown, slightly rugose.
Stamens c. 70; filaments 1 cm. long; anthers 1.5 x 0.7 mm., elliptic.
Fruit c. 2.8 x 1.8 cm., oblong-ovoid, slightly verrucose.
Androgynophore exserted from the receptacle, 6 mm. long.
Petals 0.