Herb, infrequently shrub, the stem erect, 0.6-2.0 m high, the indumentum of stem, branchlets and petioles more or less densely hispid with long, simple or forked, usually flavescent, tuberculate-based hairs, and also with scattered, short, stellate hairs, the latter rather dense at the nodes. Leaves long-petiolate, the petiole however gradually shorter toward the apex of the stem and branchlets, 2-10(-20) cm long, terete, the stipules subulate-filiform, arcuate-erect, 1-3 cm long, hispid with tuberculate-based hairs; blade subcircular to ovate, sometimes (especially the lower leaves) 5-angulate or shallowly to deeply 3-or 5-lobed, cordate or truncate or obtuse at the base, serrate-dentate to coarsely dentate at the margin, 3-15 cm long and 3-12 cm broad, 3-or 5-or 7-palminerved, glabrous or stellate-puberulus or appressed-hispid with mostly simple hairs on both surfaces, the indumentum usually slightly denser on the lower surface, the veins prominent beneath. Flowers in axillary, subsessile or up to 10 cm long pedunculate heads; bracts sessile to short-petiolate, ovate to broadly triangular, conduplicate, subcordate to deeply cordate at the base, acute to long-acuminate and sometimes reflexed at the apex, dentate or entire at the margin, the outer up to 25 mm long, the basal portion in age pellucid-scarious, 3-to 7-palminerved, flavescent-hispid with pustular-based hairs on both sides, sometimes also, with minute, stellate hairs along the veins, prominently re-ticulate-veined beneath; calyx membranous, whitish except the brownish veins and awns, 5-lobed to below the middle, 4-7(-8) mm long, accrescent, hispid and some-times also with minute, stellate hairs, the lobes lanceolate, long-aristate; petals 10-15 mm long, yellow or white; staminal tube 5-10 mm long; styles 6-10 mm long. Mericarps 3-3.5 mm long and 2-2.5 mm broad, minutely puberulus or gla-brous; seeds ca 2-2.5 mm long.