Herbs or shrubs, the indumentum frequently hispid. Leaves petiolate, the stipules 2 or 4, the blade undivided to angulate to frequently 3-or 5-palmatilobed or-palmatiparted. Flowers in dense, axillary or terminal, subsessile or pedunculate, capituliform inflorescences, these subtended by large, foliaceous bracts, the bracts expanded or conduplicate, often pellucid-scarious in age at the, base, sometimes reflexed at the apex; epicalyx wanting or the bractlets 9-12; calyx cupuliform, 5-lobed or 5-parted, usually accrescent, the lobes 3-nerved; petals 5, obovate-unguiculate, asymmetrical, rounded to subbilobate at the apex, adnate to the base of the staminal tube, variously colored; staminal tube shorter than the corolla, 5-dentate at the apex, antheriferous above the middle, the filaments 15-30, short, the anthers reniform; ovary of 5 1-ovulate carpels, the ovules ascending; style branches 10, the stigmas capitellate-hirtellous. Mericarps 5, separating from the central columella, trigonous-obovoid, obtuse at the apex, acute at the base, dorsally convex, coriaceous, reticulate-veined, glabrous or not, ventrally dehiscent; seeds obovoid-reniform, glabrous.
Herbs or subshrubs, annual or perennial. Stems erect, puberulent or hispid, not viscid. Leaves: stipules persistent, filiform; blade broadly ovate, lyrate, or palmately 3–5-lobed, base rounded or truncate, margins crenate or serrate, surfaces usually hairy. Inflorescences axillary [or terminal], headlike racemes, subtended by prominently veined, sessile or subsessile, boat-shaped bracts; involucel absent [present]. Flowers: calyx not accrescent, not inflated, deeply divided, lobes unribbed or somewhat ribbed, lanceolate-ovate, hispid; corolla yellow, [white or lavender]; staminal column included; styles 10-branched; stigmas capitate. Fruits schizocarps, erect, not inflated, oblate, not indurate, glabrous or puberulent; mericarps 5, 1-celled, without dorsal spur, smooth, indehiscent. Seeds 1 per mericarp, glabrous. x = 28.