Tree up to 40 m; d.b.h. up to 50(-150)cm; branchlets stout or slender, opposite, puberulous to woolly. Leaves opposite, ovate, elliptic to oblong, 5-24(-28) by 2-12 cm, thin-to thick-coriaceous, subglabrous to villous below; base cuneate, obtuse or attenuate; apex acute to acuminate; nerves 5-15 pairs, impressed above, prominulous to prominent below, at times arcuate; veins prominulous to prominent below; petiole 1¼-2½ (3½) cm, stout or slender. Inflorescence up to 15 cm, stout or slender, compact or lax, puberulous to woolly; branched up to 5 (or 6) times; branches of the first order opposite; higher order bracts triangular, more or less connate, villous to woolly; lower bracts lanceolate, up to 10 mm, villous to woolly. Submature flower bud 2-3½ mm ø. Sepals 4 or 5, as long as wide, thick, puberulous to villous. Petals 4 or 5, thick, puberulous to villous outside. Stamens 4 or 5. Ovary puberulous to villous. Fruit ovoid to elongate, acute, 1½-3¼ by ½-2 cm; persistent disk inconspicuous to prominent; sepals prominent.