Perennials, 15-30 cm tall, white villous and glandular hairy. Primary root short, fibrous roots numerous, tufted. Stems mostly 2-4-branched from base, erect, herbaceous, longitudinally striate. Basal leaves rosulate, often deciduous. Stem leaves opposite, crowded; leaf blade obovate-spatulate, larger and to 7 cm at middle of stem, papery, base tapering, margin of leaves above middle of stem irregularly serrate or sinuate-toothed, lower leaves pinnatisect, apex rounded; pinnae 2-4 pairs, ovate to oblong, margin sparsely toothed. Racemes terminal; bracts lanceolate. Pedicel shorter than calyx. Calyx campanulate, 6-7 mm, enlarged in fruit; lobes as long as tube, ovate-triangular, apex acute, veins inconspicuous. Corolla purple-red, ca. 1 cm; lateral lobes of lower lip subrounded, middle lobe broadly ovate, narrower, and longer than other lobes; upper lip ovate-triangular. Ovary glabrous. Capsule ovoid. Fl. and fr. May-Jun.