Perennials, white villous. Stems numerous, slender, hard, procumbent, 30-45 cm, simple or branched, internodes often shorter than leaves, conspicuously stoloniferous. Basal leaves several to numerous, often deciduous. Stem leaves often alternate, long petiolate; leaf blade orbicular-spatulate to subrounded, 1.5-6 cm including petiole, larger at middle of stem, base truncate to subrounded and tapering. Racemes terminal, to 13 cm or more, lax. Pedicel slender, 1-2 X as long as flower. Calyx campanulate, ca. 5 mm, white villous; lobes ovate-lanceolate, as long as or slightly longer than tube, apex acute. Corolla purple, less than 1 cm. Capsule globose, small. Fl. and fr. May.