Lianas stout, to 10 m, juvenile parts pubescent, later glabrescent. Bark gray-brown. Petiole 4-6 mm; leaf blade elliptic or oblong, rarely narrowly elliptic, 4.5-12 X 1-5.3 cm, somewhat leathery, base cuneate or rounded, apex acuminate; lateral veins ca. 15 pairs, obliquely spreading and reticulate toward margin. Cymes terminal, 3-5 cm, 6-12-flowered. Pedicel 5-10 mm. Sepals ovate, 4-5 mm, acute. Corolla white, tube 1.2-2 cm; lobes obliquely narrow ovate or obovate, (0.8-)1.1-2 cm X 3.5-9 mm; corona scales 5, indistinct, exserted, villous, apex 2-or 3-cleft. Stamens inserted near base of corolla tube. Berries fusiform, 3.5-5.3 X 2.2-4 cm. Fl. Apr-Sep, fr. Jun-Dec.
A woody creeper. It grows 4 m long. The leaves are oblong and 6-15 cm long by 2-4 cm wide. There are 3-5 flowers in a group at the ends of branches. The flowers are tube shaped and white with hairs inside. The fruit is a long berry 7 cmlong by 2 cm wide. They taper at both ends.