Divaricately-branched, spiny shrub, 0.3-1.0 m high; covered with white hairs. Leaflets oblong to widely obovate, with sessile glands. Flowers 6-8(-12) mm long; bracts cordate; bracteoles ovate. Calyx shortly bilabiate, with sessile glands (stalked glands in glandular forms), hairy. Petals yellow; standard suborbicular, with a well-developed, channelled claw; wing oblong, sculptured, with a linear claw; keel shorter than wing, with a linear claw. Flowering time all year.
Dwarf shrub, up to 0.5 m high; divaricately branched; spiny; woody; covered with white hairs. Leaves with leaflets oblong to broadly obovate, with sessile glands. Flowers: inflorescence terminal; calyx shorter than corolla, with sessile and stalked glands present in glandular forms; corolla yellow; May. Pods narrowly oblong, straight, very hairy.
Rigid, spiny, glandular shrub, up to 0.5 m tall, branches spreading and white-velvety, glands sessile or rarely stalked on calyx and pod. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets oblong to broadly obovate. Flowers in terminal racemes, yellow, fading reddish orange, calyx 2-lipped, hairy, standard rounded. Pod oblong, straight, densely hairy.
Rigid, scarcely glandular shrublet to 60 cm, with spiny, white-velvety stems. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets oblong to broadly obovate, with sessile glands. Flowers few, terminal on thorns, yellow, fading reddish orange; upper calyx lobes acute. Pods straight, very hairy.