Standard spathulate to subcircular with a moderately developed claw; keel shortly half oblong-elliptic, apically rounded, the claw more than half as long as the blade.
Stamens in a sheath open on the upper side, with longer basifixed anthers alternating with shorter dorsifixed anthers, the carinal anther somewhat intermediate.
Flowers in terminal often spine-tipped racemes, sometimes 1-flowered at the base of the spine; bracts narrow to broad; bracteoles similar and a little smaller.
Pod subsessile, narrowly oblong to ovate-oblong, often slightly curved, the longer pods impressed between the seeds, dehiscent, 1–8-seeded.
Small shrubs or perennial herbs, often sticky with exudate from small surface glands; branches sometimes spine-tipped.
Calyx nearly as long as the corolla, 2-lipped; upper lobes separate or somewhat united; lower lip 3-fid.
Style slender, straight or upcurved to a small stigma.
Seeds rounded, with a small hilum.