Sticky, spineless shrublet, up to 0.6 m tall, with sessile glands (rarely stalked on calyx and pod). Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets obovate to cuneate, glabrescent, dark green, covered with a white crust. Flowers many, in lax terminal racemes, yellow, fading orange, calyx 2-lipped, sparsely hairy, standard glandular on back. Pod narrowly oblong, straight to falcate, hairy.
Glabrescent, sticky subshrub to 60 cm, without spines, glands not stalked. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets obovate, dark green, almost shiny, with sessile glands, usually covered with a white crust where glands occur. Flowers in terminal racemes, yellow, fading orange; upper calyx lobes acute. Pods straight to somewhat falcate, glandular, hairy.