Divaricately-branched, slightly spiny decumbent, forming clumps of mats, up to 0.5 m high and 0.2 m wide. Leaflets obovate, apex emarginate, glandular. Flowers 6-11 mm long; bracts obliquely ovate; bracteoles obliquely narrowly ovate. Calyx shortly bilabiate, glandular, hairy. Petals yellow; standard ovate-oblong, with a well-developed, channelled claw; wing oblong, sculptured, with a linear claw; keel shorter than wing, with a linear claw. Flowering time Aug.-May.
Dwarf shrub, up to 0.5 m high; divaricately branched, decumbent, forming clumps or mats; unarmed or slightly spinescent. Leaves stipulate; leaflets obovate, glandular, sparsely hairy, apex sharply emarginate. Flowers: inflorescence terminal, with 5-8 flowers; calyx glandular, hairy; keel shorter than wings; corolla yellow; Dec., Jan. Pods falcate, glandular, hairy.