Vines; stems glabrate to sparsely crisped pilose. Leaves suborbicular in out-line, 6-10 cm long, about as wide as long, deeply 5-to 7-lobate, the lobes acute to acuminate, apiculate at the apex, the base cordate, the margin undulate, remotely toothed, submembranaceous to chartaceous, the upper surface pubes-cent on the veins, minutely white pustulate, sometimes obscurely so, the lower surface sparsely to densely pubescent; petioles 1-5 cm long, sparsely pilose and sometimes with short glandular trichomes; tendrils simple, sparsely pilose. Sta-minate flowers in axillary, long-pedunculate racemes, the rachis 1-3 cm long, filiform, sparsely pilose, 5-to 7-flowered; pedicels 4-6 mm long; calyx narrowly campanulate to subcylindric, the lobes 0.5-1.0 mm long, triangular, densely ap-pressed pubescent at the apex, sparsely pubescent to glabrate towards the base; corolla yellow, the lobes ovate oblong, erect, the outer surface villous, the inner surface glabrate; anthers oblong, densely ciliate. Pistillate flowers solitary, in the same axils as the staminate flowers; peduncles stout, 5-8 mm long, sparsely pilose; calyx and corolla as in the staminate flowers; ovary ovoid, glabrous, smooth; staminodia minute. Fruits green with darker green stripes, ovoid, 4-5 cm long, 2.5-3.0 cm in diameter, smooth, glabrous, subbaccate; seeds white seri-ceous, narrowly ovoid, 5-7 mm long, 3-4 mm wide.