Pods oblong-ellipsoid, thickened along the upper margin, or flat with a broad longitudinal wing along the upper margin, chartaceous to coriaceous, indehiscent, 1–9-seeded.
Leaves bipinnate; petiole and rachis without specialised glands; leaflets opposite or alternate (not in the Flora area); stipules very small, caducous.
Stamens 10, fertile, alternately long and short; filaments pubescent or villous in the lower part or glabrous (not in the Flora area).
Climbing shrubs, usually armed with prickles on stem and leaves but rarely (not in the Flora area) unarmed.
Ovary sessile or shortly stipitate; stigma small, oblique, ciliolate or glabrous.
Flowers in terminal and axillary racemes or panicles; bracts inconspicuous.
Sepals 5, imbricate, the lower curving upwards over the others.
Flowers hermaphrodite, with a usually conspicuous hypanthium.
Petals 5, subequal or the upper one somewhat modified.
Seeds compressed, without endosperm.