Lip rather obscurely 3-lobed, 4.5–6 × 3.6–5.8 mm, the mid-lobe spathulate, ± semi-circular in outline, dentate with minutely erose margins, decurved and folded at the apex and therefore apparently emarginate; side lobes erect, oblong; spur 5–6.5 mm long, pendent, ± straight, tapering to a conical inflation at the apex.
Dorsal sepal 3–5 × 1–2 mm, ovate, acute, hood-like; lateral sepals 3.2–5.7 × 1.5–2.4 mm, asymmetric, ovate, the apices recurved.
Flowers to 11.5 mm long, including pedicel and ovary, white, the lip with a yellow-green spot at the base, the spur brownish.
Inflorescences c. 5, erect or pendent, up to 10 cm long, rarely longer, up to c. 20-flowered.
Roots few, up to 7 cm long, 1–3 mm in diameter, terete or slightly flattened, smooth.
Column 1–2 mm long; rostellum lobes very long, 2.8–5 mm, porrect at anthesis.
Petals 3–4.5 × 1.6–3.4 mm, asymmetrical, ovate, obtuse or subacute, erose.
Pedicel short, c. 3 mm long; ovary slightly curved, 2–3 mm long.
Scale leaves up to 4 mm long, acute or acuminate, 5–7-nerved.
Bracts sheathing, 0.7–1.9 mm long.
Stem up to 15 mm long.
Epiphytic herb.