Column very short to elongate, androclinium excavated, anther terminal; rostellum lobes 2, short to very long, dependent to porrect; pollinia 2, sessile on single stipes; viscidium 1, variously shaped; stigma distinctly excavated below the rostellum, variously shaped.
Stems usually unbranched, bearing numerous scale leaves and roots, the living part short but sometimes with an elongated dead part at the base.
Sepals and petals free, mostly erect or spreading; lip free, almost entire to rather obscurely three-lobed, spurred at the base.
Roots firmly or loosely attached to substrate, branched or unbranched, smooth or verrucose, terete or flattened.
Flowers resupinate, small, usually white but sometimes tinged with pink, brown or green.
Capsule cylindrical, ellipsoid or ± globose, sessile or pedicellate.
Scale leaves acute to rostrate, protecting the stem apex.
Inflorescences axillary, racemose, few-to many-flowered.
Epiphytic aphyllous herbs, rarely epilithic.
Ovary short or elongated.