Unarmed tree. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate; stipules small, soon falling off; leaflets petiolulate, all alternate, or in one and the same leaf the upper opposite and the lower alternate, with numerous pellucid dots. Flowers hermaphrodite or ♂, in lateral racemes which are simple or occasionally forked below; each flower subtended by linear quickly falling bracteoles. Calyx subglobose and entire before dehiscence, splitting into 3 (or 2, fide Harms) lobes on opening. Petals 0. Stamens 12–18, arranged in a single row round the well-marked margin of the conspicuous flattened disc; filaments slightly connate at base; anthers dorsifixed, dehiscing by longitudinal slits; connective not glandular. Ovary long-stipitate, several-ovuled, tapering into a subulate style; stigma very small. Fruits green, stipitate, spherical, apparently not or scarcely oblique, indehiscent, with 1–3 seeds embedded in pulp. Seeds large, apparently not areolate, not arillate, without endosperm; radicle of embryo straight.