Trees, 8-10 m tall. Branchlets ridged, reddish brown tomentose, with evident leaf traces. Stipules subulate, ca. 8 mm, sturdy and straight, persistent. Leaves 13-17-foliolate; rachis 25-35 cm, including petiole 7-9 cm; stipels present; leaflet blades oblong-lanceolate, 8-11 × 2.2-3 cm, subleathery, both surfaces appressed brown pubescent on midvein, base rounded and asymmetric, apex acuminate. Pseudoracemes axillary, gathered apically on branchlets, 15-25 cm; rachis nodes laxly arranged, with 2-4 flowers. Pedicel ca. 1 cm. Flowers ca. 2.2 cm. Calyx 6-7 mm. Corolla purple; standard orbicular, outside puberulent, base auriculate and with 2 columnar calluses near claw. Ovary densely red villous, with numerous ovules. Legume linear-oblong, 18-22 × 2.5-3 cm, flat, brown tomentose; valves woody. Seeds ca. 5 per legume, mature ones unknown. Fl. Apr-Jun, fr. Jan.