Millettia Wight & Arn.

Hippocrépis aréolé (fr)


Angiosperms > Fabales > Fabaceae


Trees, shrubs or lianes, or rarely semi-herbaceous plants with a woody rootstock. Leaves imparipinnate, the leaflets entire, usually opposite; stipellae usually present; a pulvinus present at the base of the rhachis. Inflorescence paniculate, but often pseudoracemose by the contraction of the floriferous branches to mere knobs. Calyx almost truncate or divided for up to two-thirds of its length, the upper pair of teeth united for most of their length. Corolla rarely under 1 cm. long, white, pink, blue or violet, not speckled, silky or glabrous outside; keel-petals lightly united, somewhat pouched but not spurred, their claws and the usually rather longer claws of the wings often ± attached near the base to the filament-sheath. Vexillary stamen usually free in the young bud and remaining so at its base in the mature flower, but usually becoming adherent to its neighbours above; 5 of the 9 united stamens rather longer than the others; anthers all alike, dorsifixed below the middle; filaments not widened at the tip. Disc between stamens and ovary tubular, annular or lobed or flat and undeveloped. Ovary pubescent, sessile or shortly stipitate, with (2–)3–ll ovules; style usually pubescent near the base, glabrous above, ± circular in cross-section, straight or incurved at the tip; stigma small, terminal, discoid or capitate. Pod dehiscent, usually flat, rarely subcylindrical, 2-or more seeded; funicle often with a pulpy swelling at the proximal side (towards the pedicel). Seeds usually well separated from one another, sometimes “longitudinal” (long axis parallel to that of pod), more often “transverse” or “obliquely transverse”, usually rather flat, usually having around the hilum a short ring-like white or yellow aril prolonged at one side into a strap-shaped process clasping the funicle.
Trees, shrubs, or lianas. Stipules present, persistent or caducous. Leaves imparipinnate; stipels present or absent; leaflet blades opposite or rarely subalternate. Inflorescence a pseudoraceme, unbranched (but branched in Millettia ichthyochtona), rachis with lateral flowering branchlets reduced to knobs or short spur at each node, flowers 2-5 in a clusters or fascicles per node; bracts and bracteoles present. Calyx tube broad, shortly 5-toothed; adaxial 2 teeth ± connate. Corolla standard large, with or without basal cal­luses. Vexillary stamen free in bud sometimes and becoming adherent to other 9 when mature. Ovary linear; style straight or in­flexed. Legume 2-valved, flat, sometimes cylindric or inflated only around ellipsoid seeds, tardily dehiscent, not winged or with 2 wings perpendicular to abaxial or both sutures. Seeds 1 to several per legume, lenticular or globose; funicle fleshy, swelling at adaxi­al side, surrounding and clasping hilum as a short ringlike aril.
Tree. Leaves imparipinnate, with opposite leaflets; stipules caducous. Inflorescence axillary, raceme-like; flowers solitary or often in unstalked clusters of 2 at nodes of rachis; pedicels with a pair of minute bracteoles. Calyx cup-shaped, very weakly toothed. Petals pink and white; standard broadly obovate; keel cohering apically. Stamens with the upper stamen free at base but otherwise connate to staminal tube. Ovary hairy; ovules usually 2. Fruits oblong-elliptic, somewhat flattened, 2-valved; indehiscent or eventually dehiscent. Seeds 1 or 2.
Seeds usually well separated from one another, sometimes “longitudinal” (long axis parallel to that of pod), more often “transverse” or “obliquely transverse”, usually rather flat, usually having around the hilum a short ring-like white or yellow aril prolonged at one side into a strap-shaped process clasping the funicle.
Upper stamen usually free in the young bud and remaining so at its base in the mature flower, but usually becoming adherent to its neighbours above; 5 of the 9 united stamens rather longer than the others; anthers uniform, dorsifixed below the middle; filaments not widened at the tip.
Corolla rarely under 1 cm long, white, pink, blue or violet, not speckled, silky or glabrous outside; keel petals lightly united, somewhat pouched but not spurred, their claws and the usually rather longer claws of the wings often ± attached near the base to the filament sheath.
Ovary pubescent, sessile or shortly stipitate, with (2)3–11 ovules; style usually pubescent near the base, glabrous above, ± circular in cross-section, straight or incurved at the tip; stigma small, terminal, discoid or capitate.
Leaves imparipinnate, the leaflets entire, usually opposite; stipels usually present but absent in 2 cultivated species in the Flora area; a pulvinus present at the base of the peduncle.
Pod dehiscent, usually flat, rarely subcylindrical, 2-or more seeded; funicle often with a pulpy swelling at the proximal side (towards the pedicel).
Calyx almost truncate or divided for up to ? of its length, the upper pair of teeth united for most of their length.
Inflorescence paniculate, but often pseudoracemose by the contraction of the floriferous branches to mere knobs.
Disk between stamens and ovary tubular, annular or lobed or flat and undeveloped.
Trees, shrubs or lianes, or rarely semi-herbaceous plants with a woody rootstock.
Life form -
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer rhizobia
Photosynthetic pathway c3


Usually occurs in coastal vegetation.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Millettia unspecified picture
Millettia unspecified picture


Millettia world distribution map, present in Australia, China, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000024305
COL ID 3M234
BDTFX ID 103223
INPN ID 619605
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Galedupa Millettia Berrebera

Lower taxons

Millettia peguensis Millettia latifolia Millettia extensa Millettia brandisiana Millettia erythrocalyx Millettia coruscans Millettia dura Millettia gracilis Millettia hedraeantha Millettia hockii Millettia hylobia Millettia impressa Millettia lane-poolei Millettia lasiantha Millettia laurentii Millettia lecomtei Millettia bassacensis Millettia boniana Millettia buteoides Millettia caerulea Millettia diptera Millettia limbutuensis Millettia fallax Millettia glaucescens Millettia harmandii Millettia kangensis Millettia laotica Millettia lucida Millettia nana Millettia nigrescens Millettia penicillata Millettia pierrei Millettia rigens Millettia spireana Millettia venusta Millettia macroura Millettia verruculosa Millettia makondensis Millettia mossambicensis Millettia nudiflora Millettia nutans Millettia oblata Millettia pallens Millettia psilopetala Millettia puguensis Millettia sanagana Millettia sapinii Millettia schliebenii Millettia sericantha Millettia stenopetala Millettia stipellatissima Millettia thonneri Millettia usaramensis Millettia vankerckhoveni Millettia versicolor Millettia warneckei Millettia utilis Millettia sericea Millettia velvetina Millettia micans Millettia ahernii Millettia vatkei Millettia tessmannii Millettia ulbrichiana Millettia splendens Millettia sericea Millettia rubiginosa Millettia pubinervis Millettia pachycarpa Millettia macrostachya Millettia pulchra Millettia leucantha Millettia aurea Millettia capuronii Millettia hitsika Millettia lenneoides Millettia nathaliae Millettia orientalis Millettia richardiana Millettia taolanaroensis Millettia tetraptera Millettia leptobotrya Millettia cubittii Millettia sapindiifolia Millettia entadoides Millettia griffithii Millettia velutina Millettia oraria Millettia aboensis Millettia bequaertii Millettia dubia Millettia eriocarpa Millettia grandis Millettia klainei Millettia mannii Millettia mildbraedii Millettia oyemensis Millettia paucijuga Millettia pilosa Millettia semseii Millettia caudata Millettia fruticosa Millettia nepalensis Millettia ovalifolia Millettia ovalifolia Millettia podocarpa Millettia puerarioides Millettia subpalmata Millettia trifoliata Millettia wrightiana Millettia brachycarpa Millettia chrysamaryssa Millettia galliflagrans Millettia glabra Millettia merrillii Millettia pinnata Millettia pterocarpa Millettia stipulata Millettia tenuipes Millettia eetveldeana Millettia chrysophylla Millettia aromatica Millettia griffoniana Millettia acutiflora Millettia bussei Millettia longipes Millettia decipiens Millettia borneensis Millettia eberhardtii Millettia pseudoracemosa Millettia ichthyochtona Millettia sacleuxii Millettia elskensii Millettia goossensii Millettia xylocarpa Millettia ferruginea Millettia kennedyi Millettia achtenii Millettia elongatistyla Millettia wellensi Millettia lacus-alberti Millettia lastoursvillensis Millettia principis Millettia setigera Millettia sericea Millettia irvinei Millettia lucens Millettia conraui Millettia dinklagei Millettia macrophylla Millettia rhodantha Millettia thonningii Millettia zechiana Millettia piscidia Millettia nutans Millettia sapindifolia Millettia ripicola Millettia liberica Millettia austroyunnanensis Millettia wieringae Millettia melanocarpa Millettia ebenifera Millettia phuwuaensis Millettia pyrrhocarpa Millettia suddeei Millettia tecta Millettia pulchra Millettia cubitti Millettia letestui Millettia stuhlmannii Millettia takou Millettia teuszii Millettia tanaensis Millettia thollonii Millettia weizhii Millettia geerinckiana Millettia viridiflora Millettia extensa Millettia soyauxii Millettia fruticosa Millettia urophylloides Millettia hypolampra Millettia leonensis Millettia piscidia Millettia cana Millettia angustidentata Millettia angustistipellata Millettia barteri Millettia discolor Millettia platyphylla Millettia kerrii Millettia acuticarinata Millettia comosa Millettia drastica Millettia nyangensis Millettia solomonensis Millettia bipindensis Millettia cabrae Millettia duchesnei Millettia exauriculata Millettia fulgens Millettia harmsiana Millettia lebrunii Millettia soyauxii Millettia lundensis