Unarmed, gregarious trees of low swampy areas. Young stems lenticellate. Leaves (in Panamanian species) simply conjugate-pinnate, short-petiolate, incon-spicuously or not stipulate, with few, large, coriaceous leaflets. Inflorescence spicate, dense. Flowers small; the calyx campanulate, with a short tube and spreading 5-lobed limb; petals 5, small, subequal, imbricate; stamens 5, opposite the petals, free, equal, alternating with 5 apically dilated staminodes; anthers ob-long, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary subsessile, free, few-ovulate, with a short style and small terminal stigma. Legume coriaceous to ligneous, compressed, 2-valved, with a large suborbicular seed.