Shrubs; stems woody, erect, to 1 m tall, 5 mm in diam. 30 cm from the apex, the internodes brown to reddish, pilose hirsute. Leaves nearly equal in a pair, lanceolate, ovate to obovate, oblique, 4.2-9.3 cm long, 1.8-3.9 cm wide, mem-branous, the apex acute to acuminate, the base acute to cuneate, the margin serrulate, above dark green covered with more or less erect uniseriate trichomes of 2 lengths, below lighter green or reddish, strigose along the prominent veins; petioles densely pilose, 0.5-1.8 cm long. Inflorescences axillary of single flowers; peduncles, when present, slender to 1.5 cm long; bracts, often caducous, linear, to 1.8 cm long, reddish, pilose, rarely bearing an undeveloped flower in the axil; pedicels slender, 0.3-1.5 cm long, elongating in fruit, reddish, pilose. Flowers with the floral tube conic or oblong, 3-5 mm long, 3 mm in diam., the veins prominent, densely pilose; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes connate for only 1-2 mm above the floral tube, each narrowly triangular, ca. 1.8 cm long, 2-3 mm wide at the base, the apex acuminate, the lower lobes prominently toothed on the apical 1/2, the lateral lobes toothed on only one side (lower) or on both, the upper lobe entire or rarely toothed, the outside pilose, inside sparsely pilose, corolla deep red, tubular, slightly curved, 4 cm long, 5-7 mm wide at the base, ventricose at the middle, ca. 1.4 cm wide, narrowing to ca. 1 cm in diam. at the throat, the outside densely pubescent, the inside glandular, the limb 5-lobed, spreading, each lobe suborbicular, ca. 5 mm long and wide, toothed; stamens 4, with a staminode 5 mm long, not exserted, the filaments adnate to the base of the corolla for 1 mm, free part ca. 3.5 cm long, coiling after anthesis, base yellow, sericeous, glabrescent above, the anthers suborbicular, joined in 2 pairs by their sides, ca. 2 mm long and wide; disc annular, ca. 1 mm long; ovary apex broadly conic, densely pilose; style curved, ca. 4 cm long, pilose, more sparse toward the apex, stigma stomatomorphic, ca. 1 mm wide. Fruit a dry capsule, splitting into 2 valves, ellipsoid oblong, 1.2-1.7 cm long, 6-10 mm wide, the veins prominent; seeds numerous, fusiform, ca. 0.5 mm long, striate, twisted, dark reddish brown.