Erect or scandent shrubs or small trees. Leaves alternate, petiolate, the blades thick and coriaceous, usually glabrous. Racemes short, axillary. Flowers white or yellow; calyx adnate with the corolla into a tube, the sepals 5, + equal, the petals 5, subequal with the lower slightly boat-shaped; stamens 8, joined into 2 groups of 4 on the margin of an oblique sheath which is adnate to the corolla-tube, the anthers sessile; ovary 4-or rarely 2-to 5-locular, surrounded by a disc, the ovules 1, pendulous, the style filiform, slightly dilated apically. Berry (drupaceous?) glo-bose, indehiscent, 2-5-seeded, edible; seeds shining in the fleshy pericarp, without aril or endosperm.