Mucuna pruriens (L.) Dc.

Cowitch (en)


Angiosperms > Fabales > Fabaceae > Mucuna


Semiwoody twining vines. Stems and branchlets slender, with dense long fine hairs and often coarser longer hairs, later glabrous. Leaves up to 46 cm; petiole 8-26 cm, hairy like stem; stipels robust, tapering to tip, 4-5 mm; leaflets papery, adaxially sparsely or abundantly hairy when young, later glabrous, abax­ially clothed with short white silky hairs, lateral veins 5-8 on each side, slender, straight or slightly curved, running into mar­gin; terminal leaflet elliptic or ovate-rhombic, (3-)14-16 × (4.5-)8-10 cm, base broadly cuneate to rounded, apex rounded, acute, or shortly acuminate; lateral leaflets 7-19 cm, width ratio of abaxial to adaxial halves 2-3:1, abaxial half with base ± truncate or rarely cordate. Inflorescence axillary, long and pen­dulous, 15-35 cm, with (2-)5-20 nodes, all in upper 2/3 of inflorescence with no bracts or scars in lower part; pedicels 2-4(-6) mm, densely adpressed hairy and often bristly; bracts and bracteoles linear-lanceolate 6-9 mm, hairy, caducous before flowers open. Calyx with dense soft adpressed pale hairs and often irritant orange bristles; tube ca. 5 × 10 mm; lateral 2 lobes broadly triangular, 2-4 × 1.5-3(-3.5) mm, lowest narrowly tri­angular, 6-10 × 2-3 mm. Corolla deep purple; standard 1.6-2.5 cm, 1/2-2/3 of keel length; wings 2-4 × ca. 1.2 cm, shorter than or subequal to keel; keel 2.8-4.2(-4.5) cm. Legume linear-ob­long and slightly swollen around seeds or misshapen with irreg­ular swellings around seeds, to 9 × 1(-2) cm, ca. 5 mm thick, densely covered with soft pale hairs or orange to brown irritant caducous bristles, margin thickened, surface with or without longitudinal ridges. Seeds 3-6(-8), white to light yellow-brown, orange, brown, or black, sometimes mottled in various colors, elliptic, 0.9-1.78(-2) × 0.4-1.3 cm, (3-)4-10 mm thick; hilum 3-6 mm, ca. 1/8 of seed circumference, with aril forming a raised orange border. Fl. Sep-Jan, fr. Oct-Apr.
Climbing herb 2–3 m. long, usually annual or a short-lived perennial, but also stated to climb to the tops of tall trees.. Stems densely hairy at first, later glabrous.. Leaflets rather thin, obovate, elliptic, rhomboid or ovate, the laterals very oblique, 4·8–19 cm. long, 3·4–16·8 cm. wide, acute or acuminate or rarely rounded at the apex, rounded at the base, sparsely to densely adpressed grey or silvery hairy on both surfaces, not blackening on drying; petiole 2–40 cm. long; rhachis 1–5 cm. long; petiolules 3–6 mm. long.. Inflorescences silvery pubescent; rhachis 2–29 cm. long; peduncle 2–18 cm. long; flowers 2–3 per node, on pedicels 1·5–6 mm. long; bracts 1–1·5 cm. long, 6 mm. wide; bracteoles very deciduous, 1 cm. long, 2 mm. wide.. Calyx adpressed silvery pubescent; tube 5–7 mm. long; lobes 3–9 mm. long, the lower linear-lanceolate to triangular, the upper pair joined to form a triangular lip.. Standard blackish-purple to pale lilac or white, ovate, 1·7–2·2 cm. long, 1·4–1·5 cm. wide; wings pale lilac to purple, 3–3·5 cm. long; keel white, tinged mauve, 3·2–3·7 cm. long, apical beak recurved and horny; staminal tube white.. Pods oblong, often S-shaped, 4–9 cm. long, 1–1·5 cm. wide (sometimes 2 cm. in cultivated forms), densely covered with brown or reddish-orange irritant bristly hairs which sometimes appear black in the mass, longitudinally ribbed under the hairs; in some cultivated forms the pods are glabrescent or velvety hairy but lack the bristles.. Seeds pinkish-brown speckled black or almost entirely black (or white to black in cultivars), oblong-ellipsoid, compressed, longest dimension 1–1·9 cm., shorter dimension 7·5–13 mm., thickness 4–6·5 mm.; hilum oblong, ± 4 mm. long; rim-aril cream, somewhat wrinkled and with a scale-like extension.
Climbing herb 1-4.5(6) m long, usually annual or a short-lived perennial but also stated to climb to the tops of tall trees. Stems densely hairy at first, later glabrous. Leaflets rather thin, 4.8-19 x 3.4-16.8 cm, obovate, elliptic, rhombic or ovate, the laterals very oblique, acute or acuminate or rarely rounded at the apex, rounded at the base, sparsely to densely appressed grey or silvery hairy on both surfaces, not blackening on drying; petiole 2-40 cm long; rhachis 1-5 cm long; petiolules 3-6 mm long. Inflorescences silvery pubescent; rhachis 2-29 cm long; peduncle 2-18 cm long; flowers 2-3 per node, on pedicels 1.5-6 mm long; bracts 10-15 x 6 mm; bracteoles 10 x 2 mm, very deciduous. Calyx appressed silvery pubescent; tube 5-7 mm long; lobes 3-9 mm long, the lower linear-lanceolate to triangular, the upper pair joined to form a triangular lip. Standard blackish-purple to pale lilac or white, 1.7-2.2 x 1.4-1.5 cm, ovate, investing wings and not becoming erect; wings pale lilac to purple, 3-3.5 cm long; keel white, tinged mauve, 3.2-3.7 cm long, apical beak recurved and horny; staminal tube white. Pods 4-9 x 1-1.5 cm (sometimes 2 cm in cultivated forms), oblong, often S-shaped, densely covered with brown or reddish-orange irritant bristly hairs which sometimes appear black in the mass, longitudinally ribbed under the hairs; in some cultivated forms the pods are glabrescent or velvety hairy but lack the bristles. Seeds pinkish-brown speckled black or almost entirely black (or white to black in cultivars), 10-19 x 7.5-13 x 4-6.5 mm, oblong-ellipsoid, compressed; hilum c. 4 mm long, oblong; rim aril cream, somewhat wrinkled and with a scale-like extension.
An evergreen herb of shrub. It is a climbing vine. It climbs to 6 m high. It can re-grow each year or live for a few years. The stems are slender with long, slender branches. They are very hairy when young. The leaves are alternate with sword shaped leaves. The leaf stalks are hairy. There are 3 leaflets. The leaflets are 5-19 cm long and 4-16 cm wide. The leaflets are rounded at the base and the side leaflets are unequal in shape. The flowers are large and white with bluish butterfly shaped petals. They occur in clusters of 2 or 3. The flowers are 2-4 cm long. The fruit are thick, leathery pods covered with hairs. They are 10 cm long and contain 4-6 seeds. The pods are dark brown.
Leaflets rather thin, 4.8–19 × 3.4–16.8 cm, obovate, elliptic, rhombic or ovate, the laterals very oblique, acute or acuminate or rarely rounded at the apex, rounded at the base, sparsely to densely appressed grey or silvery hairy on both surfaces, not blackening on drying; petiole 2–40 cm long; rhachis 1–5 cm long; petiolules 3–6 mm long.
Pods 4–9 × 1–1.5 cm (sometimes 2 cm in cultivated forms), oblong, often S-shaped, densely covered with brown or reddish-orange irritant bristly hairs which sometimes appear black in the mass, longitudinally ribbed under the hairs; in some cultivated forms the pods are glabrescent or velvety hairy but lack the bristles.
Standard blackish-purple to pale lilac or white, 1.7–2.2 × 1.4–1.5 cm, ovate, investing wings and not becoming erect; wings pale lilac to purple, 3–3.5 cm long; keel white, tinged mauve, 3.2–3.7 cm long, apical beak recurved and horny; staminal tube white.
Seeds pinkish-brown speckled black or almost entirely black (or white to black in cultivars), 10–19 × 7.5–13 × 4–6.5 mm, oblong-ellipsoid, compressed; hilum c. 4 mm long, oblong; rim aril cream, somewhat wrinkled and with a scale-like extension.
Inflorescences silvery pubescent; rhachis 2–29 cm long; peduncle 2–18 cm long; flowers 2–3 per node, on pedicels 1.5–6 mm long; bracts 10–15 × 6 mm; bracteoles 10 × 2 mm, very deciduous.
Calyx appressed silvery pubescent; tube 5–7 mm long; lobes 3–9 mm long, the lower linear-lanceolate to triangular, the upper pair joined to form a triangular lip.
Climbing herb 1–4.5(6) m long, usually annual or a short-lived perennial but also stated to climb to the tops of tall trees.
Stems densely hairy at first, later glabrous.
Life form annual
Growth form
Growth support climber
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination autogamy
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 4.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) 1.5
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months
Fruit color
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer rhizobia
Photosynthetic pathway c3


It is a tropical plant. It does best in a rich, moist, well-drained soil. It needs a protected, sunny position. It is damaged by drought and frost. It grows from sea level to 900 m above sea level. In Nepal it grows at 1,300 m above sea level. They need a temperature above 8°C. It can grow in arid places. In Sichuan and Yunnan.
Primary and secondary forests, monsoon forest, grasslands, along hedges and fields, along rivers, at the sea coast, along roads.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


The pods are burnt over a fire to remove the prickles then the beans are soaked until they sprout and then washed and boiled or pounded. The young leaves are cooked as a vegetable. The flowers are eaten as a potherb. The ripe seeds are roasted and eaten. Caution: The seeds need special preparation.
Uses animal food cover crop environmental use fodder food forage gene source manure material medicinal poison potherb social use
Edible flowers fruits leaves pods seeds
Therapeutic use Snake bites (bark), Hair loss (fruit), Analgesics (fruit), Anemia (fruit), Anthelmintics (fruit), Antifungal agents (fruit), Antihypertensive agents (fruit), Antiparasitic agents (fruit), Aphrodisiacs (fruit), Astringents (fruit), Blister (fruit), Central nervous system depressants (fruit), Cholera (fruit), Coma (fruit), Constipation (fruit), Dermatitis (fruit), Digestive system diseases (fruit), Eczema (fruit), Edema (fruit), Disorder of ejaculation (fruit), Erectile dysfunction (fruit), Female urogenital diseases (fruit), Fertility agents (fruit), Flatulence (fruit), Hypertension (fruit), Hypoglycemic agents (fruit), Leukorrhea (fruit), Liver diseases (fruit), Nervous system diseases (fruit), Paralysis (fruit), Parasympatholytics (fruit), Pruritus (fruit), General tonic for rejuvenation (fruit), Scorpion stings (fruit), Skin diseases (fruit), Snake bites (fruit), Ulcer (fruit), Urinary bladder calculi (fruit), Urination disorders (fruit), Vitiligo (fruit), Wound healing (fruit), Wounds and injuries (fruit), Irritant (fruit), Analgesics (leaf), Anthelmintics (leaf), Anti-bacterial agents (leaf), Anticonvulsants (leaf), Anti-inflammatory agents (leaf), Antioxidants (leaf), Antipyretics (leaf), Aphrodisiacs (leaf), Asthenia (leaf), Coma (leaf), Constipation (leaf), Dermatitis (leaf), Diabetes mellitus (leaf), Hallucinogens (leaf), Headache (leaf), Helminthiasis (leaf), Hypertension (leaf), Inflammation (leaf), Leukorrhea (leaf), Lung diseases (leaf), Neoplasms (leaf), Nervous system diseases (leaf), Rabies (leaf), General tonic for rejuvenation (leaf), Scabies (leaf), Scorpion stings (leaf), Snake bites (leaf), Ulcer (leaf), Vitiligo (leaf), Wound healing (leaf), Irritant (leaf), Anti-bacterial agents (plant cells/culture), Antioxidants (plant cells/culture), Amenorrhea (root), Analgesics (root), Anthelmintics (root), Anticonvulsants (root), Anti-inflammatory agents (root), Antineoplastic agents (root), Antipyretics (root), Antirheumatic agents (root), Aphrodisiacs (root), Astringents (root), Cachexia (root), Cathartics (root), Central nervous system depressants (root), Cholera (root), Coma (root), Common cold (root), Constipation (root), Delirium (root), Diarrhea (root), Diuretics (root), Dysmenorrhea (root), Edema (root), Disorder of ejaculation (root), Elephantiasis (root), Emaciation (root), Emollients (root), Epilepsy (root), Fertility agents (root), Fever (root), Fractures, bone (root), Gout (root), Helminthiasis (root), Hematologic diseases (root), Hemorrhage (root), Hypertension (root), Hypoglycemic agents (root), Intestinal diseases, parasitic (root), Kidney diseases (root), Leprosy (root), Leukorrhea (root), Liver diseases (root), Malaria (root), Menstruation-inducing agents (root), Nervous system diseases (root), Neurotic disorders (root), Paralysis (root), Parasympatholytics (root), Parkinson disease (root), Peripheral nervous system diseases (root), Rabies (root), General tonic for rejuvenation (root), Respiratory tract diseases (root), Skin diseases (root), Snake bites (root), Ulcer (root), Urinary calculi (root), Urination disorders (root), Urticaria (root), Vaginal diseases (root), Vitiligo (root), Wound healing (root), Wounds and injuries (root), Sexual debility (root), Abortifacient agents (seed), Hair loss (seed), Androgens (seed), Anemia (seed), Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (seed), Anthelmintics (seed), Anti-bacterial agents (seed), Antidepressive agents (seed), Antidotes (seed), Antiemetics (seed), Antifungal agents (seed), Antineoplastic agents (seed), Antioxidants (seed), Antirheumatic agents (seed), Antitoxins (seed), Aphrodisiacs (seed), Appetite stimulants (seed), Asthenia (seed), Asthma (seed), Astringents (seed), Blood pressure regulation (seed), Cathartics (seed), Central nervous system depressants (seed), Central nervous system diseases (seed), Cholera (seed), Coma (seed), Constipation (seed), Contraceptive agents (seed), Diabetes mellitus (seed), Diarrhea (seed), Diet, food, and nutrition (seed), Edema (seed), Disorder of ejaculation (seed), Erectile dysfunction (seed), Eye diseases (seed), Fatigue (seed), Fertility agents (seed), Fractures, bone (seed), Gastrointestinal diseases (seed), Gastrointestinal tract (seed), Gonorrhea (seed), Heart diseases (seed), Hemagglutination (seed), Hemiplegia (seed), Hemorrhage (seed), Hyperlipidemias (seed), Hypertension (seed), Hypoglycemic agents (seed), Hypotension (seed), Immunomodulation (seed), Infertility (seed), Insecticides (seed), Laxatives (seed), Leukorrhea (seed), Locomotion (seed), Nervous system diseases (seed), Neurotic disorders (seed), Nootropic agents (seed), Paralysis (seed), Parasympatholytics (seed), Parkinson disease (seed), Increase physical endurance, strength and stamina (seed), Plague (seed), Anti-poisoning (seed), Poliomyelitis (seed), General tonic for rejuvenation (seed), Scorpion stings (seed), Sexually transmitted diseases (seed), Skin diseases (seed), Snake bites (seed), Spasm (seed), Sterilization, reproductive (seed), Trypsin inhibitors (seed), Tuberculosis (seed), Ulcer (seed), Urinary calculi (seed), Urination disorders (seed), Urologic diseases (seed), Urticaria (seed), Vaginal diseases (seed), Vitiligo (seed), Wounds and injuries (seed), Libido control (seed), Central nervous system stimulants (seed), Anti-dyskinesia agents (seed), Cooling effect on body (seed), Analgesics (stem), Anti-bacterial agents (stem), Eye diseases (stem), Hallucinogens (stem), Lung diseases (stem), Anasarca (unspecified), Anodyne (unspecified), Antidote(Crocodile) (unspecified), Antidote(Scorpion) (unspecified), Aphrodisiac (unspecified), Bite(Dog) (unspecified), Bite(Snake) (unspecified), Cancer (unspecified), Cholera (unspecified), Coffee (unspecified), Diarrhea (unspecified), Diuretic (unspecified), Dropsy (unspecified), Dysuria (unspecified), Fracture (unspecified), Madness (unspecified), Mumps (unspecified), Nervine (unspecified), Pleuritis (unspecified), Rubefacient (unspecified), Sore (unspecified), Syphilis (unspecified), Tumor(Abdomen) (unspecified), Vermifuge (unspecified), Cough (unspecified), Ascaricide (unspecified), Asthma (unspecified), Medicine (unspecified), Resolvent (unspecified), Ringworm (unspecified), Elephantiasis (unspecified), Emmenagogue (unspecified), Gall (unspecified), Hepatitis (unspecified), Nerves (unspecified), Purgative (unspecified), Renitis (unspecified), Stimulant (unspecified), Tonic (unspecified), Astringent (unspecified), Bladder (unspecified), Amenorrhea (unspecified), Analgesics (unspecified), Anthelmintics (unspecified), Anti-bacterial agents (unspecified), Anticonvulsants (unspecified), Antidepressive agents (unspecified), Antifungal agents (unspecified), Antineoplastic agents (unspecified), Antioxidants (unspecified), Antipyretics (unspecified), Aphrodisiacs (unspecified), Arthralgia (unspecified), Ascariasis (unspecified), Asthenia (unspecified), Cathartics (unspecified), Cholinesterase inhibitors (unspecified), Constipation (unspecified), Delirium (unspecified), Diabetes mellitus (unspecified), Diuretics (unspecified), Dysmenorrhea (unspecified), Edema (unspecified), Disorder of ejaculation (unspecified), Epilepsy (unspecified), Erectile dysfunction (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Fractures, bone (unspecified), Helminthiasis (unspecified), Hyperlipidemias (unspecified), Kidney diseases (unspecified), Leukorrhea (unspecified), Menorrhagia (unspecified), Mental disorders (unspecified), Nervous system diseases (unspecified), Neurotic disorders (unspecified), Paralysis (unspecified), Increase physical endurance, strength and stamina (unspecified), Pleurisy (unspecified), Rabies (unspecified), General tonic for rejuvenation (unspecified), Scorpion stings (unspecified), Snake bites (unspecified), Ulcer (unspecified), Urination disorders (unspecified), Wounds and injuries (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants are grown from seed. The seed need treatment to assist them to germinate.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) 21 - 90
Germination temperacture (C°) 18 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) 20 - 30
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Mucuna pruriens leaf picture by Nagulapalli .T.V.Gurumurthy (cc-by-sa)
Mucuna pruriens leaf picture by Ucardz (cc-by-sa)
Mucuna pruriens leaf picture by Sharath Kathare (cc-by-sa)


Mucuna pruriens flower picture by daniela gontier (cc-by-sa)
Mucuna pruriens flower picture by anilkumar ayyappan (cc-by-sa)
Mucuna pruriens flower picture by pierre vernet (cc-by-sa)


Mucuna pruriens fruit picture by Ucardz (cc-by-sa)
Mucuna pruriens fruit picture by Prashant Jadhav (cc-by-sa)
Mucuna pruriens fruit picture by willy morel (cc-by-sa)


Mucuna pruriens world distribution map, present in Angola, American Samoa, Australia, Burundi, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Belize, Brazil, Barbados, Bhutan, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Comoros, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Guadeloupe, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Haiti, Indonesia, India, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Cambodia, Liberia, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Northern Mariana Islands, Mozambique, Martinique, Mauritius, Malawi, Malaysia, Nigeria, Nepal, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Réunion, Sudan, Senegal, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sierra Leone, El Salvador, Suriname, Seychelles, Chad, Togo, Thailand, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000182545
INPN ID 630188
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Mucuna prurita Stizolobium pruritum Mucuna cochinchinense Hornera pruriens Mucuna prurita Marcanthus cochinchinense Carpogon niveus Carpogon capitatus Carpopogon pruriens Negretia pruriens Labradia pruriens Stizolobium pruriens Dolichos pruriens Mucuna pruriens

Lower taxons

Mucuna pruriens var. utilis Mucuna pruriens var. pruriens Mucuna pruriens var. hirsuta