High climbing robust vine; stems appressed tomentose, especially near the nodes, glabrescent, the hairs whitish. Leaves trifoliolate, the leaflets mostly 7-10 cm long, ovate, apically acute obtuse or short acuminate, basally obtuse or trun-cate, the lateral leaflets strongly oblique, the midvein prominent, 3-veined at the base, 3-5 prominent veins on each side higher up, glabrescent above, softly fine pubescent beneath with appressed, whitish hairs; petiole mostly as long as or shorter than the terminal leaflet; petiolules ca. 5 mm long, ascending hispid; stipels linear, ca. 2 mm long, the stipules caducous. Inflorescence pendant ra-cemes, the peduncle ca. 8 cm long, appressed pubescent with whitish hairs, glabrescent but some pubescence usually persistent in lines, the flowers congested on the enlarged 1-3 cm long rachis; pedicels mostly short, to 15 mm long, pu-bescent, becoming stout in fruit; bracts subfoliaceous, 1-2 cm long, ovate, cu-cullate, hispid, early caducous; bractlets wanting. Flowers yellow, showy, the calyx cupular, the cup 6-12 mm long, papery, minutely pubescent inside and out, the hairs finer outside but outside with scattered coarse hairs, the upper teeth united into an upcurved lip 10-15 mm long, the lower pair of teeth obtuse, with linear tips, the lower tooth acute or acuminate deltoid, ca. 8 mm long, slightly exceeding the lower pair; corolla ca. 5 cm long, drying orange, the standard 2.5-3 cm long, ?erect, the wings and the keel narrow, exserted ca. 2 cm from the standard, oblong falcate; style appressed pubescent, the stigma a small capitate knob. Legume oblong, mostly 2-4 seeded, ca. 10 cm long, 4 cm wide, short beaked, the surface with prominent transverse lamellae 4-6 mm high, copiously covered with deciduous, yellowish or brownish stinging hairs, the surface con-stricted between the seeds, the margin winged, the wings irregular, 4-8 mm wide, drying black; seeds convex lenticular, 2-3 cm across.
A woody climbing herb. It can grow 6-15 m long. The leaves are alternate and have 3 leaflets. The leaflets are 8-12 cm long by 6-8 cm wide. The upper surface is dull green and the lower surface pale. The end leaflet is narrowly oval and the side leaflets are unequal. The flowers are in short groups in the axils of leaves. They are yellowish green. The pod is oblong and flattened. It is 8-18 cm long by 4-5 cm wide. It is covered with stinging hairs. There are 2-4 seeds. They are round and 2-3 cm long. They are brown with a white hilum.
Flowers creamy or yellowish of waxy consistence, 2 in long or more, the standard broad about 1/2 length of the wings and keel
Stem with appressed whitish hairs