High climbing woody vine, stems slender, glabrate. Leaves trifoliolate, leaf-lets mostly ca. 10 cm long, 5 cm wide, ovate, apically acuminate, basally obtuse or rounded, the lateral leaflets oblique, costate with 3 prominent veins at the base and 1-3 prominent veins distally on each side, glabrescent, more so above, be-neath with scattered short hair bases persisting, the leaf base sometimes with a few stouter hairs; petioles somewhat shorter or longer than the terminal leaflet; petiolules ca. 10 mm long, drying dark; stipels caducous, stipules scale-like, 2-3 mm long, pilose. Inflorescence pendulous, the peduncle elongate, slender, gla-brate, the rachis thick, ca. 3 cm long; appressed pubescent, striate, the pedicels slender, 4-5 cm long, stout in fruit, appressed pubescent; bracts not observed. Flowers pale greenish white or yellow, the calyx cupular, the cup ca. 9 mm long, the upper teeth united into a rounded or emarginate crest, ca. 10 mm long, the lower pair of teeth deltoid to acute, 6-7 mm long, the lower tooth linear, 11-13 mm long, appressed velutinous outside and inside, a few coarse ?stinging hairs on the cup outside; corolla ca. 4 cm long, the standard, ca. 2.5 cm long, the wings clavate falcate, ca. 8 mm wide at the widest, exserted 8-12 mm from the standard, drying dark; anthers ca. 3 mm long, basally barbate; stigma capitate tufted. Fruits oblong, becoming 20 cm long, 6 cm wide, the surface and margin with conspic-uous irregular 5-10 mm high lamellae, not constricted between the seeds, copi-ously hispid with reddish brown stout stinging hairs, the beak slender, 1-2 mm thick, the stipe slender, 2-3 mm thick, 0-2 cm long; falsely septate between the seeds; seeds not seen.