Perennial shrub, branches somewhat angled, minutely scabrous, 0.2-1.0 m high. Leaves acicular-linear, very shortly petiolate, obtuse or apiculate, usually somewhat revolute, rarely quite flat, glabrous. Bracts obtuse. Flowers pink, usually solitary; pedicels shorter than flowers. Sepals oblong, ciliate or non-ciliate. Side petals oblong, ± as long as carina. Flowering time Oct.-Dec. Fruit a glabrous, oblong capsule. Seed oblong, sparsely pubescent.
Dwarf shrub, up to 1 m high. Leaves solitary; blade acicular or linear, 5-10 x 2 mm, apex obtuse or acute, margins sometimes revolute. Flowers: axillary, with distinct pedicels; sepals ciliate or not; side petals as long as carina; corolla 4.0-5.0 mm long, white and mauve; Aug.-May. Fruit glabrous, apical projections short or very short. Seeds oblong, caruncle with 2 narrow, membranous flaps.
Shrublet, up to 1 m high. Leaves acicular or linear, sometimes revolute, 5-10 x 2 mm. Side petals as long as carina. Capsule glabrous, oblong, apical projections short or very short. Flowers white and mauve.
Leaves subsessile or very shortly petiolate, 3–8 x 0.5–1 mm., linear, with needle-like points and margins scaberulous and often incurved.
Seeds 1.5 x 0.8 mm. ellipsoid, pubescent; caruncle 0.5 mm. long with very short caruncular appendages.
Upper petals 4 mm. long, oblong, blunt; carina 3.5 mm. long with bilobed leafy crest, 1–5 mm. long.
Shrublet up to 1 m. tall with slender, glabrous or minutely pubescent branches.
Flowers white and purple with pedicels 1 mm. long, solitary, axillary.
Capsule 3 x 2.5 mm., broadly elliptic in outline, without horns.
Sepals 2–3 x 1.5–2 mm., ovate.