Leaf-laminae (8)10–14(20) x (3)6–8(15) mm., d: rhombic, the apex (3)5–7(ll)-crenate-dentate, the base entire and cuneate, digitately nerved (nerves sometimes 2-furcate near the apex), closely longitudinally pleated when dry, articulated with the petiole; petiole (1)2–3(5) mm. long, subvaginate; stipules subulate, connate with the petiole at the base and exceeding it by 1–3 mm.
A prostrate, ascending or erect shrub, much branched, usually 30–90 cm. tall (stated to grow up to 2m.); young branches tetragonous, the angles narrowly winged; branches soon becoming woody and subspinulose with the persistent stipules and petioles; older branches with bark fissuring longitudinally.
Inflorescences usually 2–3 cm. long, rarely up to 5 cm., terminal on the lateral short branches; each flower sessile in the axil of a single, elliptic to ovate, usually obtuse bract 1·2–1·8 x c. 1·0 mm.; bracts persistent after flower-and fruit-fall; female inflorescences stouter than the male.
Male flowers reduced to (3)5–6(?8) stamens; filaments filiform and connate at the base into a central column; anthers oblong, reddish, after dehiscence presenting an asymmetric X-shaped cross-section; connective prolonged into a short, ± curved beak.
Woody dwarf shrub, up to 0.6 m high, dioecious. Leaves opposite, sessile, cuneate, flabelliform (fan-shaped) but plaited when dried out, 6 or 7 crenate on subtruncate apex. Flowers: clustered in terminal spikes; green to deep pink; Nov.-May.
Woody shrublet, up to 0.6 m high. Leaves opposite, sessile, cuneate, flabelliform (fan-shaped) but plaited when dried out, 6-or 7-crenate on subtruncate apex. Flowers green to deep pink.
Female flowers zygomorphic, reduced to (2)3 green carpels connate only at the base and tapering into ± short, outwardly curved styles presenting purple, oblong, inwardly facing stigmas.
Capsule coriaceous with carpels somewhat enlarged, deeply (2-)3-lobed, crowned by the persistent styles and stigmas.
Leaves decussately disposed along fast-growing long branches or ± congested on lateral short branches.
Seeds c. 0·5 mm. long., ovoid to tetragonal.