Herbs, pubescent, without cystoliths. Leaves opposite, shortly petiolate; leaf blade pinnately veined, margin entire. Inflorescences axillary or terminal spikes; bracts overlapping. Flowers ± spirally arranged, sessile, subtended by a bract; bracteoles absent. Calyx 4-lobed to base; lobes unequal, anterior lobe apically 2-cleft. Corolla tube slender, sometimes widening into a throat; limb 2-liped; lower lip 3-lobed, upper lip 2-lobed; lobes ± equal, descending cochlear in bud. Stamens 2, included or slightly exserted; filaments basally pubescent; anthers 2-thecous; thecae subspherical, muticous, opening at base by a pore that has a small flap; staminodes absent. Ovary with 8-28 ovules in 2-4 rows per locule; stigma usually unequally 2-lobed. Capsule conical; retinacula absent. Seeds subspherical, small, flattened on 1 face, lacking trichomes.
Herbs, softly villous. Leaves entire. Inflorescences dense, terminal and axil-lary spikes with a single bract. Flowers with the calyx 4-lobed; corolla blue or purple, bilabiate; stamens 2, the anthers 2-celled, the cells parallel, each cell globose; stigma 2-lobed. Capsules oblong; seeds borne on papilliform funicles.