Perennial, sometimes annual herb, up to 380 mm high; stems erect or ascending, sturdy, laxly much branched in inflorescence. Leaves opposite to alternate in floral area, ovate, obtuse or apiculate, floral ones acute, petiolate, dentate to serrate (sharper than in N. albiflora). Flowers in leaf axils or upper ones in leafy and bracteate, ± loose racemes; ± pilose or pubescent to glabrescent. Corolla white, throat yellow, lips small, upper lobes oblong, up to 4 mm long; Spur extended conical, up to 3 mm long. Fruit a capsule, up to 8 x 6 mm, widely ovate-oblong, slightly narrower below the truncate and emarginate apex. Flowering time July, Oct.