Trees or small trees, up to 10 m tall. Young branchlets and petioles pubescent. Leaves subverticillate or alternate; petiole 5-10 mm; leaf blade elliptic or rounded-elliptic, 3.7-7 × 2-3.5 cm, glabrous and distinctly foveolate on both surfaces, triplinerved, lateral veins 2 or 3 pairs, lowermost pair arising ca. 3 mm from base, other pairs arising from above middle of blade, base broadly cuneate or rotund, apex abruptly acute, with acumen. Umbels solitary or fascicled, axillary or lateral, 5-flowered. Pedicel villous. Perianth segments 4, ovate. Male flowers: fertile stamens 6; filaments villous at base, of 3rd whorls each with 2 stipitate rounded glands at base; rudimentary pistil glabrous. Fruit globose, 6-8 mm in diam., seated on nearly flat discoid perianth tube; perianth segments often persistent; fruiting pedicel 4-4.5 mm, pubescent. Fl. Nov, fr. Jul-Aug.