Trees or shrubs, evergreen, dioecious. Leaves alternate, clustered, or verticillate, rarely subopposite, triplinerved, rarely pinninerved or subtriplinerved. Umbels solitary or fasciculate, pedunculate or not; bracts opposite, large, late deciduous; perianth segments 4, in 2 whorls. Flowers unisexual. Male flowers: fertile stamens 6 in 3 whorls of 2 each; filaments of 1st and 2nd whorls eglandular, of 3rd whorls 2-glandular at base; anthers all introrse, 4-celled. Female flowers: staminodes 6, clavate, of 1st and 2nd whorls eglandular, of 3rd whorls 2-glandular at base; ovary superior; style conspicuous; stigma peltate. Fruit seated on slightly enlarged disciform or concave perianth tube; pedicel often slightly thickened.