Fruit c. 15 mm. in diameter, depressed-discoid, crowned by the persistent styles and marcescent calyx-segments; upper part bearing a ring of 15 straight, curved or hooked prickles up to 6 mm. long; lower part produced laterally into a circular wing up to 6 mm. wide; wing somewhat concave, its margin bearing spines 1(2) mm. long which are extensions of the nerves.
Calyx c. 12 mm. long, cinnamomeous-lanate; calyx-tube cyathiform, c. 15 x 25 mm., prolonged into a terete false tube c. 4 mm. long formed by the basal part of the calyx-lobes which cohere by the interlocking of their indumentum; calyx-lobes narrowly oblong, ending in a triangular point c. 6 x 2 mm.
Leaves up to 3·5 x 1·0 cm.; lamina ovate in outline with broadly cuneate base or rounded to elliptic with narrowly cuneate base, grey-cinnamomeous lanate-tomentose; margins irregularly crenate or serrate to pinnately lobed; petiole up to 10 nun. long, lanate.
Annual herb with numerous prostrate or decumbent branches which are densely branched, up to 40 cm. long, usually becoming somewhat woody.
Stamens dimorphous; the 5 oppositi-petalous ones c. 4 mm. long, the alternipetalous ones up to 8 mm.; filaments glabrous.
The seedling (? always) perforates the fruit, which may be found, ± withered, at the base of some adult plants.
Petals c. 20 x 10 mm., obovate, unguiculate, lemon-yellow, spreading.
Styles hairy, of 2 sizes in each flower; c. 5 or c. 8 mm. long.
Flowers showy; peduncles 3–6(18) mm. long.