Seeds flattened, oblong, brown, surrounded by a membranous wing; the body of the seed much elongated in the direction of the length of the pod; cotyledons elongate in the same direction as the radicle; funicle slender, attached at or near one end of the seed.
Pods straight or somewhat curved, flattened, at maturity dehiscing along one of the margins, the valves remaining attached along the other, splitting neither transversely nor into layers.
Leaves 2-pinnate; pinnae each with one to many pairs of leaflets; rhachis of leaf usually (always in our species) with a gland between each pair of opposite pinnae.
Calyx and petals pubescent or puberulous outside, sometimes on the margins only.
Petals 5, free, separated from the gynophore base by a short perigynous zone.
Stamens 10, fertile; anthers with or without an apical gland.
Flowers sessile or nearly so, in spikes or spiciform racemes.
Calyx gamosepalous, 5-toothed.
Ovary densely pilose outside.
Trees, often tall, unarmed.