A herb that grows in water and keeps growing from year to year. It has floating runners that are 3-5 mm thick. The leaves are 6-10 cm across. They are oval or round.
Petiole 1.2–1.5(4) cm.; lamina 6–10(23) cm. in diam., subcircular or the larger ones somewhat ovate-circular.
Corolla tube yellow 7–9 mm. long; lobes white, densely and uniformly hairy inside ± as long as the tube.
Perennial; stock short thick, floating stolons numerous, 3–5 mm. thick in life.
Capsule 5–8 mm. diam., subglobose ± as long as the calyx, 15–80 seeded.
Seeds 1.6–1.95 x 1.4–1.7 mm., lenticular ± tuberculate.
Calyx 5–6 mm. long, lobes appressed to corolla tube.
Flowers 10–25 homostylous; pedicels 2–6 cm. long.
Carpels and stigmas (2)3(5).