Shrub, 3-10 m high. Leaves usually in whorls of 4, rarely in whorls of 3 or 5, coriaceous when dried; blades elliptic to narrowly so, 8.5-19.5 by 3.3-6.3 cm, ratio 2.1-3.3, base decurrent onto petiole, margin entire sometimes rather undulate, apex gradually acuminate or acute; secondary veins 27-42 pairs, usually straight, not reaching the margin, joining, forming a submarginal vein. Flowers white or yellowish white. Fruit apocarpous, composed of 2 separate mericarps; mericarps obovoid to ellipsoid, base narrowed, apex apiculate, acumen 3 mm long; endocarps massive, hard, whitish, surrounding 2 spongy cavities of about 0.5 cm diameter. Seeds 3 at either placenta