Rhizome long-creeping, c. 3 mm thick, sparsely branching, not glaucous, roots with unbranched parts; in cross-section with weakly developed sclerified shealth and few scattered sclerenchyma strands, fronds scattered, 3-6 cm distant. Scales scattered, not covering the rhizome, peltate, to 5 by 0.5 mm, appressed at the base, with a narrow squarrose acumen, dark brown near attachment, lighter towards margin, margin densely set with glands and multicellular hairs terminating in a gland. Fronds monomorphic, phyllopodia 6-7 mm long, with scales as the rhizome but less dense and short fine glandular hairs; stipe 2-3 mm long, without dark coloration on abaxial side, bearing short fine glandular hairs; lamina linear-lanceolate, 20-17.5 by 3-4 cm wide, base cuneate, apex short caudate, tips up to 1 cm long, margin undulate, weakly cartilaginous, texture papyraceous, all parts with to 0.5 mm long catenate glandular hairs, or with longer, to 1.5 mm, acicular hairs; costa abaxially without dark coloration, with hairs like the stipe and with small scales; veins terminating in a weakly developed hydathode before the margin. Sporangial stalk with glands below the sporangium. Sori in an irregular row 2.5-6 mm from the costa, indusium round-reniform, c. 0.5 mm across, fugacious at very early stage. Spores not seen.