Small succulent, usually consisting of several small clumps (to 100 mm diam.) connected by horizontal underground rhizomes up to 500 mm long. Stems 40-100 mm long, 6-15(-25) mm thick (excluding teeth), slender; tubercles 4-15 mm long, narrowly deltoid. Corolla 30-60 mm diam., somewhat convex above towards centre; inside pale greenish yellow dotted (sometimes shortly transversely lined) with red-purple becoming pinkish towards centre and dots usually coalescing to solid red-purple towards apices of lobes, smooth; lobes 14-25 mm long, 6-9 mm broad at base, with white marginal cilia. Corona 4.5-6.5 mm diam., obtusely pentagonal to circular, narrowing into stipe ±1 mm long; outer lobes below guide-rail ± equal in length to part behind inner lobes; inner lobes deltoid and subacute to obtusely truncate sometimes with crenulate margin, rising onto anthers from swollen area where fused to outer lobes.