Usually small succulent forming clump 60-500 mm diam., not rhizomatous. Stems 30-100 mm long, 8-10 mm thick (excluding teeth), slender, erect, pale green to grey-green flecked with red-brown; tubercles 10-20 mm long, arranged loosely into 4 obtuse rows along stem with slight groove between rows, tapering into slender conical ascending to spreading acuminate tooth with pair of small denticles near apex. Inflorescences 1-8 per stem mainly in upper half, each of 1-3(-8) flowers developing in gradual (to rapid) succession from swollen peduncular patch (<5 mm long); pedicel 8-15 mm long, 1.5 mm thick, ascending, with few deltoid bracts 1-2 mm long at base; sepals 3-4 mm long, 1.0-1.5 mm broad at base, lanceolate, acuminate. Corolla 25-35 mm diam., rarely expanding fully, very deeply and narrowly lobed; outside smooth pale green with few radial darker veins; inside finely papillate on lobes but with cylindrical papillae (up to 0.5 mm long) on swollen ‘annulus’, pale greenish yellow to white on united portion; tube ±0.5-1.0 mm deep, very short, formed by abruptly thickened ‘annulus’ immediately below sinuses of lobes and around base of gynostegium; lobes 18-22 mm long, 3-5 mm broad at base, ascending-incurved, rarely spreading, linear-acute, with margins incurved for lowest 2-4 mm then replicate so inner surface strongly convex except near base, with transparent clavate-globose non-vibratile cilia 1.0-2.5 mm long along lower margins (incurved portions and ±1 mm beyond them). Corona ±8-10 mm tall, 5 mm broad, raised above tube on stout ± cylindrical stipe 1 mm long, cream; outer lobes 1.5-3.0 mm long, ±0.75 mm broad, spreading in lower half then slightly ascending, narrowly rectangular to lanceolate, 1-3-toothed at apex, margin somewhat raised in lower third so lobe channelled there; inner lobes 8-10 mm long, dorsiventrally flattened and adpressed to backs of anthers for lower half of anthers then bifid (occasionally trifid) into slender terete filiform lobules 7-9 mm long twisted together and entangled towards apices, with similarly filiform and long dorsal appendage arising near base and initially laterally flattened then terete (often with 1-3 further small dorsal horns).
A small soft stemmed succulent herb. The stems are 10 cm tall and it forms clumps 50 cm across. There are 1-8 flowering shoots on a stem. There can be 1 or several flowers that develop one after another. The flowers are 25-35 mm across. They have deep narrow lobes.
Succulent perennial herb, up to 100 mm tall. Stems 4-angled. Flowers in 3 or 4 fascicles along stem. Flowers 30-35 mm in diameter. Corolla ciliate. Inner corona lobes subdivided into very long filiform segments, coiled at tips. Flowers pale dull yellowish.