Dwarf succulent forming clump 50-300 mm diam., not rhizomatous. Stems 25-100 mm long, 5-10 mm thick (excluding teeth), (shortly) decumbent, green mottled with purple-brown; tubercles 4-9 mm long, arranged loosely into 4 obtuse rows along stem with groove between rows, tapering into spreading to ascending conical acute tooth (usually lacking denticles). Inflorescence 1 per stem, of 1-3 flowers developing successively from short peduncle mostly <5 mm long, with few small bracts <1.5 mm long; pedicel 10-30 mm long, 2 mm thick, horizontal to ascending usually with ascending apex; sepals 4-10 mm long, 2 mm broad at base, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. Corolla 45-60 mm diam., rotate to shallowly bowl-shaped often with flat base; outside smooth, pale green towards base, flecked and veined with purple-brown on lobes; inside pale yellow with purple-brown to red spots, the spots becoming smaller and denser on annulus, uniformly purple-brown or red around and beneath gynostegium, transversely papillate-rugulose except towards base of tube; tube shallowly bowl-shaped, containing and often formed by thickened pentagonal (with corners below sinuses of lobes) sometimes very obscure annulus 1.5-2.0 mm thick and ±10-12 mm diam., with ring of cylindrical bristles in base immediately around gynostegium; lobes 13-20 mm long, 12-16 mm broad at base, spreading to recurved, deltate to deltate-ovate, very acute or acuminate, margins eciliate. Corona ±4 mm tall, 6-7 mm broad, raised above base of tube on stout cylindrical stipe ±1 mm tall; outer lobes 1-2 mm long, horizontally spreading to slightly deflexed, deeply channelled on upper surface, with shallow to deep triangular notch in apex dividing lobe into 2 deltoid slightly ascending lobules towards apex, laterally fused towards base to lower rear of inner lobes, dark purple-red; inner lobes 1.0-1.5 mm long, adpressed to backs of anthers and equalling to exceeding them, sometimes meeting in centre and with upturned apices, dorsiventrally flattened and narrowly deltoid, slightly gibbous on rear towards base, rear and margins purple-red, upper surface bright yellow.
Perennial, dwarf succulent; stems erect or decumbent, 25-100 x 5-11 mm, 4-angled with rows of conical teeth up to 9 mm long; glabrous, green. Flowers 1-3(4); pedicels 10-32 mm long; faecal odour. Sepals 4-11 mm long, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. Corolla 45-64 mm in diam., rotate to saucer-shaped, glabrous except beneath gynostegium, transversely rugulose, papillate, pale yellow with reddish spots, uniformly reddish around gynostegium; annulus 10-12 mm in diam., pentagonal, sometimes obscure; lobes spreading or recurved, 13-21 x 12-17 mm, deltoid, acute. Corona: outer lobes purple-red, spreading or deflexed, 1-2 mm long, sub-quadrate, apex with triangular notch; inner lobes purple-red with upper surface bright yellow, 1-2 mm long, appressed to anthers, ovate-lanceolate with gibbosity at base and extending sub-horizontally over anthers.
Like O. pulchella but inner corona lobes just exceeding anthers and not meeting in centre, without dorsal horn.